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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 10, 2013 6:00am-10:00am EDT

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♪ >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is saturday, august 10th. thanks for joining us. we do start with a fox news alert. a big break massive manhunt for accused kidnapper and california teenager. police find suspect's car and received word that the two are still alive. this morning, devastating news about that girl's little brother. we have the latest in this developing story. and the tax man is at it again. just when you thought this irs scandal couldn't get any more appalling new details he emerge that the irs has another target small business owners, tell you what they are doing this time. >> and they say happy wife, happy life. what if that means sleeping
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separately? the unconventional way that couples are improving their relationships now is taking off. "fox & friends" hour one starts right now. ♪ it's saturday morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> welcome to our new, temporary studio. alisyn complained so much about the couch, the lack of places for coffee, and how cold it was over there at the other studio. >> alisyn: is that why we are here? >> made it even colder. >> as always say pierre not pelligrino. >> alisyn: i do like our temporary digs. you will like what happens in when we get in our other studio and face blift is it is getting meantime we do have a lot of news to get
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to. while you were sleeping, authorities confirmed that the second body found inside that burning california home is that of 8-year-old ethan anderson. this is now an international mountain tore find his 16-year-old sister and it has turned to remote and rugged mountain area in idaho. about 70 miles northeast of boise. a grouch horseback riders told police they saw hanna anderson and her alleged kidnapper 40-year-old jim dimagio near the area known as the remember of no return. they say she appeared to be in good health. investigators say there is no evidence she is being held against her will. authorities found did he maggio's blue nissan car hidden in the brush. the license plate is gone. accused of taking her and killing her mother and brother. we will update you on the show. also new overnight, officials in connecticut believe 6 people were killed when a small plane crashed into two homes
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setting them on fire. this went down yesterday morning just a few blocks from an airport in new haven where the plane is trying to land. it is believed a father and son on board who died. two children age 1 and 3 who are in one of the homes. the neighbor says heard their mother's screams and ran for help. >> immediately ran for the house. ran upstairs and there was a crib and disturbing but flipped the crib over, looked thoroughly, looked at the other bed, look other bed in the closet. there was nothing. looked downstairs and the fire really intensified and it was time to get out. the. >> airport manager says no distress calls were made. we are learning more about the man who allegedly killed his wife and posted a photo and confession of the crime on facebook. >> you don't want to speak to anyone from this point on about your case unless someone from the public defender's office is there to be with you. >> exactly. >> is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> derek is charged with
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first degree murder of his wife jennifer alfonso. is he being held without bond. he has no criminal history. the florida man wrote a series of self-published books and was a small time actor. all right, they just hit the power ball jackpot but that isn't stopping some the lucky winners from going to work. one guy was spotted pumping gas here at the new jersey repair garage where the group is being dubbed ocean 16 work. the co-workers will split a third of the 448-million-dollar prize. each will walk away with nearly $4 million after taxes. >> they were here yesterday at work. they knew they won the lottery and they were here. that tells you a lot about who they are. >> all right. we are still waiting for the third and final power ball winner who come forward. that ticket was also sold in new jersey. those are your headlines. >> rick over there -- would you guys go to work the day
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after? >> here's the problem. $4 million. >> you can't live on that. >> right on that threshold do i go to work or not? >> for the rest of your life? >> the government takes half of it in taxes. >> that is after taxes. >> that was after taxes? >> isn't there is a threshold when you are going to go back to work or not? >> alisyn: yeah. >> you could blow through $4 million. >> rick reichmuth can. >> mike tyson. >> would you go to work the day after winning the lottery for $4 million. >> if it's like $140 million i bet they are not pumping gas the next day. that's just my guess. let's talk about the weather. flooding we have seen across much of the central plains and areas towards nashville and north georgia mountains springs area. major thunderstorms ripped through the area. causing really rapid massive flash flooding. this comes in very, very
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quickly. they didn't sees a much rain there. but areas outside of it did, and that ends up sending all this water right through here. major problems right there. today we stand the chance to see repeats of that all the areas that have seen. take a look at that that's after the water is gone. you can see what a mess that left behind. all of that dirt and muck. it looks kind of like a war zone right there. very, very scary. go back to the weather maps and take a look. same story across parts of missouri and northern arkansas. this rain right here very heavy. a few spots in areas of missouri that have seen 18 inches of rain in the last nine days. that's what you would generally see in the entire summer. rain way too fast. the bulls eye has been southern areas of missouri and northern parts of arkansas over the -- some of this area needed the rain. that's too much. because of this flash flooding going on in northern arkansas, if you are in those areas, be careful. guys back to you. >> alisyn: thanks so much,
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rick. >> clayton: right now the president took off on vacation for the rest of the summer. >> tucker: martha's vineyard. >> alisyn: nine days. >> clayton: that feels like the rest of the summer. before he left washington he decided to give us all something to digest this weekend as we diet through his long press conference yesterday. and one of the things the president mentioned yesterday this weekend, 18 of the 19 embassies that had been closed as a result of that terror threat are going to be reopened suddenly. >> tucker: yes that there was a time limit on that and apparently the time limit has expired. he attempted to answer the question. if al qaeda is on the run and no longer a threat, then why we are cowering before the threat of al qaeda. trying to thread the needle, here is what president obama said? >> it's entirely consistent to say that this tightly organized and relatively centralized al qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has
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been broken apart. and is very weak and does not have a lot of operational capacity. and to say we still have these oorge regional organizations like aqap, they can pose a threat. >> aqap of course is al qaeda in. during the last presidential campaign he saw political advantage in telling america that the terror threat had been mittgated and now that he is responsible for protecting the country he admits it has not. >> as though the americans care about the organizational structure of al qaeda, what they care about is whether al qaeda can still kill americans. >> who is ho is there cte? >> the hierarchy of the chain of command is not that interesting to average measures. they want to know if we are still threatened by them and it sounds like of course we are. >> here is some hard facts
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for you much the state department released some numbers a few weeks ago that showed that al qaeda and the arabia peninsula had about 200 fighters. since our drone attacks have unfolded, they are now to about 2,000 fighters. they have increased in strength and size. we don't know if they had anything to do with the terror threat. we don't know if ho they arrested. and if the 18 of 19 embassies will be. we have no idea. >> we do know the language the president uses to describe these threats is shaped by political concerns. his political concerns. that's scary. i mean, this ought to be the one part of a president's job that isn't determined directly by politics. straight with the country. here are threats, here is where they come from and what we can do to mitigate them. not change the language depending whether he is up for re-election or not. >> alisyn: tucker mentioned this is basically a distinction without a difference. >> last year in the
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election, election rate, he made no distinction at all that al qaeda was on the run, you know, ben laden dead, gm alive. al qaeda is obviously alive. distinction he wants to make and pretend that he has always been making it. it does shed light on why they were so insistent on denying that the benghazi attack was a terror attack by an affiliate of al qaeda. >> so that's one big story, of course, in this discussion and much more of the president's press conference coming up, maybe lost in the news of the president's press conference is something harry reid said on the radio. do something on the radio in the home state of nevada. maybe it no one was listening. >> pr affiliate too. >> he is not embarrassed of what he said. >> sort of double down on it basically he believes that if you sort of disagree with the president, is he worried, he hopes, he hopes if you disagree with the president, it's for the right reason, not the wrong
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reason. listen to harry reid. >> it has been obvious that they are doing everything they can to make him fail. i hope, i hope that -- and i say this seriously. i hope that that's based on substance, not the fact that he is an african-american. >> clayton, i hope that you are not beating your wife or selling heroin to school children. that's what i hope. [ laughter ] >> i say it with real seriously. i hope that you are not dealing drugs to children. >> very generous of you. i hope. if you disagree with the president you are not doing it because you are a racist. >> alisyn: funny because it's so ludicrous. stunning that nobody in harry reid's life can put a filter on him. he is the leader of the -- one of the leaders of the democratic party. and that he can say that the opposition to president obama is based on his race. after the president has been elected twice, not once but twice.
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that the america that harry reid sees is so different from the america we see here in manhattan. i wish he had the faith in america that other people do. it's amazing that he can have risen to the position that he has with his view on how people are motivated. >> elected twice and i think in both elections most americans understood the president was black. this was, you know, people were making an informed decision here. so maybe america is not as racist that senator reid believes he is this is consistent of the same pattern. i remember during five or six years ago the debate whether to make english the official language. harry reid said the racist. flat out. par for the course. >> representative tim scott has come forward and said this is ridiculous. i'm sincerely disappointed by attempts to divide american people by playing to the lowest common
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denominator. i hope senator reid will realize the offensive nature of his remarks and apologize to those who disagree with the president's policies. let us know how you feel about. this we are sort of befuddled this morning. >> i'm speechless. this is rare. >> it is rare. coming up next on the show, several major insurance companies opting out of obama care because of costs. so what impact is this going to have on business owners? we're going to talk to one when we return. >> tucker: it a rod back in the news since the steroid scandal broke. what kind of reception did he receive? we'll show you coming up. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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white house has rolled out a new web site dubbed the healthcare whiz help obama care. this as major health insurers anthem blue cross and humana dropping out of exchanges in some states. >> sending premiums from individuals and businesses threw the roof. businesses owned by people like our next guest. kate publishing enterprises and employs over 450 people. ryan, welcome. >> thank you. >> this is going to be fully implemented the obama care law in january. >> not the employer mandate. >> except for the employer mandate. do you know what this means? do you have a full sense of what this is going to mean for you? >> it would be hard for you to find any business owner that knows what's getting ready to happen. that's one of the big problems is the affordable care act has put so much uncertainty into the marketplace. can you imagine.
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look what happens on wall street when there is uncertainty. it's the same thing with these private health insurance providers. for us, we are mid year renewal coming up heading into the affordable care act. come up in september. blue cross, blue shield, increased our premiums 31.7%. >> alisyn: 31.7% for blue cross, blue shield. that was very thing that president obama sold. one of the ways that he sold the affordable care act to america was that premiums were skyrocketing and out-of-control and branting. so you must have been comforted you were going to have a different option to pay that 31.7%. >> the affordable care act is not here. it's not going to be here. it's not even an option on the table for people like me. >> alisyn: why? you mean right now. >> right now. >> alisyn: at some point it will in the next two years. >> we hope. so the employer mandate being pushed back didn't affect my company because we already provide health insurance. what that proves is that throughout the implementation of obama care, they are going to push it back, push it back, push it back.
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this won't be the first or the last time that you see them just arbitrarily in the middle of the night say you know what? never mind, we are not ready for that yet. business owners are being forced to make realtime decisions while they are playing politics and games and posturing. >> tucker: you started this business. stefl business, when you heard the president trying to make this law that you will get far more it services and pay less. that's magic, right? >> it's magic. it doesn't happen. in oklahoma, the largest healthcare provider. one of the hospitals i'm the chairman of the governing board for that want who. you don't have to go very far to look at what medicare and medicaid do for hospitals and the medicaid systems to assume what's going to happen with the big bad boy like obama care coming through. quality of care going down. patient safety will decrease. doctors won't make money.
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what you will end up with at the end of the day. doctors will treat you based on what is the obama care reimburse. schedule not what's best for you as a patient. >> alisyn: you did want an option so you didn't have to always be beholden to blue cross, blue shield? >> insures. that's part of the frustration too. i want competition and people competing for my business. i think there is a lot of things we can do to change our current healthcare system. but the governor kicking everybody out of the marketplace is not going to win for especially small business owners. al will at president of tate publishing. >> thank you, guys. a blast being here. a take down sometime. >> two former wrestlers. i don't know what's going to happen from the commercial break. not one explosion but dozens of them. [explosions] >> tucker: we will tell what you was exploding
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coming up. >> alisyn: why spend hours at the gym when you can work out on your car. vicki is here with the latest fitness craze hitting the nation. please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones.
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now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ no-charge scheduled maintenance. check. and here's the kicker... 0% apr for 60 months. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. that's right... [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 mohs, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort.
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it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family. in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ]
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>> tucker: every day millions of americans sit in traffic stuck for hours can't get a work out. what if you get in shape sitting behind the wheel of the car. fitness expert joins us in chevy can a mario shows us how to get fit while in construction. >> 60 in construction or going to work. my car turns off while i'm. i'm parked on the highway. get a work out and give your mind something to do. >> not just -- not for
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driving but sitting in traffic. >> keep your hands on the wheel and crunch down. engage your belly like someone is punching you in the stomach. that guy in front of you annoying you is punching you squeezing gringing your soldiers toward the hips. clinching you right in the tummy. >> producer said clay top, you have got to do it too. he can't tell i'm actually doing it. this is how tight? is how tight these abs are. >> impact on you. for the general public, you will start to tone them that way. >> up next, steering wheel squeezes? >> isometric press like this. you press in the steering wheel and like doing the pushup, works your pectoral muscles, the chest, the soldiers. >> feel it up here. too. get stiff, driving for so long and get round here you are squeezing and bicep pulls. arms aren't doing anything. get a definition.
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pull against it, do 20 of each of these moves. >> 20 of each of them. >> pull in, pull, in and it's really flexing your arms. again, something for your mind to think about. >> upper back presses. one of the problems i have when i'm driving my back gets sore i need to lien lean over the steering wheel. >> squeeze your arms and shoulders back to the back of the car seat and then let it goes and let it go. that is contracting your trapeze and rhomboid muscles. have your posture to look taller when you get out of the car. >> maybe can i keep from going to the gym when i get home then. drive two hours and go home and go to a gym for an hour. >> excuse traffic tired and annoyed this will tone you up. >> what about triceps in the seat this seems dangerous but only when you are not moving. >> rest stop. my husband and tyler are in the bathroom, i will just do these in the car, lift
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your buttocks up and down, shoulders, back up and down. also do it as you open the car do put your feet on the sidewalk. basically bending your elbows and lifting. get that definition in the wing area, that area of the tricep that you want to tone up. >> water wing area. >> travel raises sitting on the seat do. this lift your gluts up. squeeze your butt. heels up. this is a good way not just to tone but also get the blood flowing. how many times does your butt fall to sleep in traffic? >> all the time. >> that's a way to squeeze and get the blood flowing. can you can find some of these moves in my fit travel workout. shot around the world and give your mind a vacation while your body gets a work out with no equipment nikki or follow me on twitter nikki fitness. stretches on my blog as well. stretches you can do as youwork out in the car? >> wonderful. if you are stuck in traffic, here is how you
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can tighten it up. great toe he sues always. >> thank you. >> alisyn: my kind of workout. thank you, clayton. i love anything i can do sitting down. next on the rundown, inside the fort hood trial emotional testimony from a witness that went face-to-face with evil. >> tucker: you don't have to go to spain to run the with bulls. the excitement is coming to a city near you in this country. details coming up. [ male announcer ] here's a word you should keep in mind. unbiased. some brokerage firms are. but way too many aren't. why? because selling their funds makes them more money. which makes you wonder -- isn't that a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds." yikes! then go to e-trade.
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cannonbox! [splash!] >> you got two beds in here. >> that's right. that's me on the left. >> so you sleep in separate beds? >> 30 years ago we came to an agreement. it was the only way i could get some rest. >> really? >> still has the jimmy arms. >> you can get that in your arms? >> like you wouldn't believe. >> i love that scene from seinfeld. a new study out this morning, seems to support frank's assessment of his sleep patterns with estelle which is sleeping that n. separate besides beds can lead to it a happier life with your spouse. >> this is a study that is completely false and ridiculous. >> tucker doesn't like it. telling totally unbelievable lies. >> clayton: i support you. i don't want to sleep in a
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separate bed. they do brain scans. and they looked at these individuals in these beds and they found out constant movement by the other person it kept them awake and miserable. brain scans. can't argue with science. >> marriage is not always easy. you know what i mean? it's worth it. i have been married 22 years today. >> alisyn: congratulations it's your an anniversary. >> tucker: yes it is i'm celebrating on "fox & friends." [ laughter ] can i -- i can sincerely say sleeping with your wife is the point. >> clayton: knocked out cold, who cares? >> i get why women don't want to sleep with men. women, warm, furry, smell good. >> clayton: furry? >> tucker: in a nice way. >> alisyn: this is from university they found 30% to 40% of all couples, tuckers, they do sleep apart. they will admit to these
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researchers. it makes it seem as though you don't have a romantic relationship or something wrong with your marriage. getting better sleep when you sleep together you don't get into the deeper stages of sleep as based on those brain scans. >> tucker: totally completely overrated you can't have conversations when you wake up in the morning. that's like the whole appeal is you wake up and sit and chat in the morning, you know, about your day and your sleep. without that. >> clayton: with your furry partner. >> tucker: smells good. >> clayton: i love. this let us know what you think about it at email us. find us on twitter ff weekend is our twitter account here. >> in the meantime get to your headlines. potentially tragic turn in the search for a federal investigator who vanished after a tip stolen dog. police in oakland, california found a woman's body in a park where he they were searching for sandra koch have not yet
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identified it. randy was named a person of interest in this case. he and koch dated more than 30 years ago. it's believed they were together the night she disappeared. emotional testimony on day four of the fort hood shooting trial. soldiers remembering the frightening moments that the gunman first opened fire. some said they thought it was a training exercise. others thought they were hit with paint balls and not bullets. accused shooter army major nidal hasan is defending himself but did not cross examine the witnesses. his lawyers say he wants to receive the death penalty for murdering 13 people and injuring dozens more. filing an appeal to take over the defense or play a reduced role. military law plead guilty because he faces the death penalty. a bitter custody war between r and b singer usher and ex-wife ends with usher staying. their twoson's their primary caregiver. emergency custody hearing took place following
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5-year-old son's near drowning earlier this week. his ex-wife tried to argue he is not attentive enough father and she should be granted custody. before the two left court they did briefly hug. the son is expected to be released from the hospital this weekend. >> last night was a big night. alex rodriguez. >> alisyn: just call him a rod. >> mixed reaction first game back at the stadium. >> rodriguez. [cheers and boos] >> tucker: that's a mixed bag of cheers and boos for alex arod as he. he went hitless in home debut. he is appealing 211 game suspension. handed down by major league baseball for taking performance enhancing drugs. rodriguez will be able to play throughout this appeals process.
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the great rick reichmuth standing by to tell us what it is like outside these walls. >> i had to go back outside to the normal spot. i felt strange in. >> there don't like the blue curtain. campus weather stations. >> exactly it felt like i was standing in front of prom. >> glamour shot. >> take a look at the weather maps. really spectacular start to your day. especially across the north. get ready for really cool temperatures. chicago is under kind of an incredible stretch. you typically should be around 83 degrees this time of year. probably pretty humid. take a look what the next seven days look like to you. tomorrow, close to your average, in general, see even more cold air come in. cool air. relatively cool air for much of this coming week and temps going to be down in lower to mid 70s for mid 70s. cool air great lakes and northeast. also not going to be humid which is going to be great news. send it back to you inside. >> have you ever been to
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pamplona? have you ever wanted to run with the bulls? >> absolutely. i'm in. >> that's something rick would do. >> i know that absolutely. >> pamplona has been a spanish tradition for centuries. now get their chance. >> u.s. version of the running with the bulls will kick off this august. >> joining us now is the founder of the great bull run rob dickens. rob, nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> what prompted to you create the great bull run and it's not just one city, right? >> right. it's in 10 cities nationwide from coast to coast why did you decide to do that? basically we always wanted to go to pamplona to do the run ourselves never been able to make it happen for all the requirements to do that. get a week off of work. afford a hotel room flight to spain and a friend or two who can do all of that with you. year after year it's become impossible task to make happen for myself
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personally. opportunity here in the townhouse bring this event here so that people have more access to it it. >> one of the great appeals of pam pamplona as spectator is dangerous people die. it makes it exciting and teafs bravery. will the american version be as perilous, i hope? [ laughter ] >> it will be dangerous. you know, whenever you get in to close quarters with large animals like this. there is always a risk of serious injury. we are taking certain steps to kind of prevent the more serious injuries from happening. but, again, there is nothing we can do to guarantee safety of the runners themselves. >> alisyn: there will be 10 runs nationwide starting with richmond, virginia. also atlantic, houston, dallas, florida. also looking to the northeast. is it possible to have a running of the bulls in midtown, manhattan? >> it is possible. whether it's probable is another matter. i doubt we would ever get
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approval to run through midtown, manhattan. i would love to. but, again, it would take a lot of work. for example, we don't want to run the bulls on pavement like they do in pam plonna. the bulls flip and fall and break their legs. we don't want to injure the bulls. the problem with running down streets is the runners don't have nowhere to go. they get walled in by the buildings. our runs will be held at horse racing facilities or drag strips where we can construct the course with cattle fencing that allows the runners to climb up and over to get out of the way of danger if necessary. >> alisyn: good to snow. >> to know. >> i would love to see your insurance policy. something tells me we are in a far more litigious society over here. time for august 24th, right? >> exactly. august 24th in richmond, virginia. >> alisyn: i think these two guys are interested. we will be sending a camera. rob, thanks so much for displang it. >> well, russian relations going cold. president obama calls off a
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meeting with vladimir putin as tensions rise over nsa leaker edward snowden. how have past presidents dealt with russia. >> and could the mystery of the mona lisa finally be solved? >> this a great story. new research put a name to the famous face after they dug through a tomb. >> president obama cancelled a planned summit with the russian president vladimir putin in response russia's government refusing to send edward snowden back to the united states. not only is he not going to meet with hill. is he sending joe biden. ♪ [ man ] 5, 4...
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[ command center ] this is command center. [ man ] ...3, 2, 1. [ command center ] all systems go. [ female announcer ] introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. steam-activated cleaning pads penetrate deep. [ command center ] we have lift off. [ female announcer ] don't just clean your floor. boost it. [ female announcer ] don't just clean your floor. ...and a great deal. grrrr! ahhh! let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 40% off. only at (tires screeching) red hot deal days are back.
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>> welcome to "fox & friends," quick headlines for you. could the great mona lisa mystery long be over. lisa decondalgo wife of a rich silk agent. test dna with skeletons found last year. one is believed to be da vinci's model. florida pool, surveillance video caught mysterious light out of a complex. security guard said the complex was too far away to be above on the lens. sent off to ufo analysis. not a hoax. can't tell what the strange lights appear to be. aly, i'm on the case. >> alisyn: i know you are. their one-on-one meeting was cancelled over approved asigh lump bid. still president obama is denying that there is a riff between he and russian
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president vladimir putin. >> i don't have a bad personal relationship with vladimir putin. when we can v. conversations they are candid, blunt, often times constructive. i know the press likes to focus on the body language. he has that slouch. looking like the bored kid in the bang of the classroom. the truth is if when we are in conversations together, oftentimes it's very productive. >> alisyn: how has past presidents handled diplomacy with russia? can we learn a lesson from that let's ask nic. >> good morning, aly. >> russia has often been a thorn in the side of the u.s. how has past presidents dealt with russia? >> well, we have dealt with them many different ways. you are right. going back to the cuban missile crisis, president kennedy certainly had a tense relationship with crew chew sheriff. going back to nixon when he was president. he was a cold warrior in the 50s.
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came to relatives. he actually turned it around and thought that having detaunt he began a new error. a new relationship with the soviets that has been off and on for the past nowrt years since 1973. >> alisyn: that's interesting that he had that turn around. obviously if you are ready for that. after the cube began missile crisis. i don't think anybody wanted to go to the brink again that was a mistake clearly. brezhnev and nixon. no one but nixon got away with it if johnson tried it he would have been seen as soft: at did change the trajectory of the u.s. soviet relations. >> alisyn: maybe we can learn something how reagan dealt with soviet union. >> reagan when he came to office obviously like nixon was a cold warrior, had talked tough there was a succession of soviet leaders that he dealt with
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for a short period of time until gorbachev came into office. then he realized the end of the cold war was near and he could have a relationship with gorbachev and try to bring the end to the cold war. that's what they did. reagan was famous negotiating through strength. thing was trust but verify. different approach than nixon it helped usher in the cold war. >> alisyn: it would be great if we could use these as instructive for how to deal now with putin. again, gorbachev was already courting openness to the end to the cold war. you have to be -- have somebody on the other side who has an openness. >> you need two partners. even with george h.w. bush, gorbachev presided over the cold war and reunion if reunif. even clinton and boris yeltsin. they had a personal relationship. friendly. marked anker wrath.
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personal relationship between the two leaders are critical to the success for both countries. >> would you say that the common thread is that all of the u.s. presidents in the past did actually talk or speak with the russian president? is that a difference now? >> yeah. i think it's what we would call a table stake. there has to actually be a relationship in cooperation to talking. u.s. presidents nixon and reagan, hardliners and even george h.w. bush was more cooperative. they need to reach out and have relationships. and form a personal bond and even reagan did that. reagan was as tough as they come. they knew it was important to cooperation. so i think we need to see a little bit more of that from president obama. >> all right. nic ragoone. you are a presidential historian always good to talk to you. >> thanks, aly. >> alisyn: defying the top cop in their state in giving teachers guns. is that a good move? we'll talk to the school superintendent next. latest crime wave hitting the country. criminals sliding up to
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your car while you pump gas and stealing your valuables. we will tell you what you need to do to protect yourself. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. check out the bass pro shops' fall hunting classic for amazing daily specials. saturday, the commander hub style blind and the big game stealth deluxe ladder stand are under $80 each.
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>> after the horrifying treating in newtown, connecticut. schools set out to better their school security. one school district in arkansas believe they have a solution to this problem. they are taking on the fight to allow specially trained teachers and staff members to carry conceal weapons in the classroom. is arming teachers the answer? joining us now is the superintendent of david hopkins. thank you for joining us this morning. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. >> tell us how this works. who would be armed in your district? >> well, you know, i think a lot of people the confusion that we are
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having here is they are looking at this through the prism of their locality. and what we can d. is we went through our district and selected the people that he would felt could best handle this mission that we're asking them to do. not only did we do that. we put them through the same vetting process that wield have done if we hired resource officers and sent them through the training academy to be trained. we but the them through a psychological background check. they are entered into our drug testing pool. there is a number of things that we did on the front end. and then the level of training that they received is identical to the training that they would have received had they gone to the police academy. however, it was more focused. it was not about being a street officer it. it was about operating within a school district with children around in the event of an active school shooter. we think that we have done our homework well and we have put together a really good program. >> how do patience respond to this? well, overall, i think the response has been very positive in our community. and again. this is a local decision. we are not proponents of
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saying every district needs to do it this way. all we are say is that in our locality with our particular circumstances. work and provide a better security for our kids. overall the response has been very positive. that's not to say that we haven't had some that have been against it. >> tucker: right. the idea as i understand it is not to remain passive. in a school shooter shows up in a school in which this program is in place, he will meet armed resistance immediately, right? >> that's exactly right. >> tucker: the obama administration is opposed to this. on what grounds, do you think? >> well, i really don't know. you know, the thing is we are not the federal government. we don't get to print our money and just buy anything we want. we are trying to come up with solutions in our budget and we have got financial constraints on our district that we have to work through and trying to put meaningful security in our buildings we could put in high tech gandol and
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we have working on those things. set back and say we are safe now. i don't think that's protect. you are fooling yourself few that. >> deterrence effect it will be interesting to see if any school shooting takes place in the school with armed teachers and staff. thank you very much for joining us this morning we appreciate it? >> thank you. >> president obama says he wants to hold those responsible for the benghazi attack. almost a year later there is no justice. congressman louie gohmert here next hour with his take on that. jay, we now know what jay leno's last laugh will be on nbc. far sooner than expected. ♪ ♪ dad. how did you get here? i don't know.
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>> >> alisyn: good morning it's saturday august 10th, police confirm the 8-year-old boy thought to be missing in the california case did die in the fire. this morning there is renewed hope that his sister may be alive and we have developments on that story. >> if you thought the irs scandal couldn't get any more appalling, think again. not only are they still targeting the president's political opponents, but now they are going after small businesses it, too. we have got details on that. >> clayton: you have heard of slilgding? it's the new crime targeting women at gas stations across america. we're going to show you how to make sure you are not the next victim when they steal your stuff. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now.
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>> i'm new studio hard to find us. >> if you can see it the camera at the end of the crane. very threatening. >> give you a tour. this sour temporary "fox & friends" dig for the next. i know a lot of people come to that window over here. if you are in new york city come up to the window and say hello. for the next month this will be our digs in here you might recognize it as huckabee's. >> alisyn: they are doing construction right outside this window and it will be loud and deafening with a jack hammer momentarily. >> clayton: i was already getting cat calls from those guys. >> tucker: were they whistling at you. >> alisyn: again. >> clayton: yeah, again. >> alisyn: i'm going to get a self-defense lesson outside on our plaza for how to avoid being a victim of that sliding that we showed you at gas stations. >> tucker: it isn't possible to imagine you being a victim of anything. >> alisyn: i appreciate that i just filled up my tank yesterday at a gas station. i always leave my windows
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and doors wide open. my purse is sitting there on the passenger seat so i do sort of need to be more careful that this crime spree is taking over the country. >> more on that coming up here first we are following another big story. >> overnight in that california amber alert. police have confirmed that the child's body that was found inside the burned down home often sunday is that of 8-year-old ethan anderson as his father had feared. this morning, the search for his 16-year-old sister has turned to a rugged mountain in idaho. this is about 70 miles northeast of boise. a group of horseback riders told police they saw hannah anderson the missing girl and kidnapper dimagio in the area known as the river of no return. no evidence that she something held against her will. i'm not sure how they could know that found dimagio's blue nissan hidden in the
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brush. accused of taking hanna after killing her mother and brother. also new overnight, up to six people are feared dead after a small plane crashed into two connecticut homes setting them on fire. this happened just a few blocks away from an airport where the plane was trying to land. it's believed the father and son on board the plane are among those killed. also feared dead two children who were in one of the homes at the time of the crash. >> terrible, and it's awful. i never want to see that again. >> the airport manager says there were though distress calls made. >> alisyn: state department says we are all clear. 18 of the 19 posts will reopen on sunday. yemen will remain closed over concerns of al terror attack. officers intercepted a
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message between top al qaeda operatives about a plan for a major attack. and i know this is your favorite story, clayton. can you please tell us about jay leno's future? >> jay leno will host his final tonight show february 6th. he is being replaced by jimmy fallon who is set to take over on february 249. leno may not be going away for good. you have heard this story before? nbc is reportedly talking with him about various ideas for what he will do after his 22-year run comes to an end. i have an idea. how about an mpm talk show. >> tucker: how about leaving that network after the way they have treated him? >> clayton: just go back to doing standup. >> alisyn: that's when he was funny. >> clayton: own his material over a couple of months and kill it as a great comedian? >> alisyn: i saw him when he did standup. is he really funny. is he a sweetheart. >> clayton: i know tucker has a soft spot. >> tucker: i like him a the lo. >> alisyn: one person that is not a sweetheart rick reichmuth, how are you?
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like like so. >> rick: how much money did he make? >> tucker: not about the money, rick, it's about respect. ---it's about the money, you are right. >> rick: there you go. a few things going on. take a look at the weather maps. a cold front move across areas of the northeast. that's good news. yesterday was such a humid and muggy day. well, behind that it is going to be drier today. more sunshine and we'll have that -- we won't have that kind of pressed feel. plains, kansas, missouri and arkansas and this morning some of those stories lined up. training we call it moving over the exact same area over and over and over again. northern arkansas is looking at very significant rain. out across the west we he have rain that is moving in across the pacific northwest. we haven't seen that in a very long time. some showers and thunderstorms specific northwest. take a look at this video
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over the colorado area. this is springs, just around the colorado springs area. heavy rain falling in the general vicinity causing massive flash flooding yesterday. take a look at what happened once this flooding was done. it left just incredible mud all over the entire area. incredible damage. they have a major cleanup on their hands. guys, send it back to you inside. it has been a lot of flooding this week for a the love people and a lot of people are dealing with major cleanup. it's going to take them a long time. >> pictures of the aftermath incredible. thank you so much. >> thanks, rick. >> approaching the anniversary you don't want to interstate. >> anna: investigatorser is of something like this. september 11th the attacks in weapon gaze that killed four americans there the president and his wide ranging press conference yesterday was asked about this by our own ed henry as to exactly what sort of answers we're looking for and have we -- is the president doing anything to let the american people understand what unfolded on that day. listen to ed henry's
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exchange with the president. >> on september 11th we'll have the first anniversary of benghazi. you said on september 12th. make no mistake we will bring to justice the killers who attacked our people. 11 months later, where are they, sir? >> well, i also said that wield get bin laden and i didn't get him in 11 months. so, we have informed, i think, the public that there is a sealed indictment. it's sealed for a reason. but we are intent on capturing those who carried out this attack. and we're going to stay on it until we get them. >> you are close to having suspects in custody? >> i will will leave it at that but this remains a top priority for us. anybody who attacks americans, anybody who kills tragically four americans who were serving us in a very dangerous place' we're going to do
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everything we can do carry out those attacks. >> alisyn: his answer actually makes no sense. why not yes we are very close to capturing the guys. we know who the suspects are and we have charged them and very close to capturing them. what is much more commonplace at least when i was a crime reportedder the way the fbi did itment day you filed charges, the day you got charges from the judge, one of the fbi agents went to the court to get the charges and the other one went to the house where you knew the suspect was. the day that the charges are filed you know that somebody becomes a flight risk. you grab them that very day that you get charges. why aren't we doing that in benghazi? >> we're north. >> the way he framed it was outrageous. i said i would get bin laden and i didn't get him in 11 months. will president, you didn't get him at all. a seal team to the him. by the way, the u.s. government had been working on that for seven years before you you even arrived on the scene. you were be an unknown state senator when that investigation began. to benghazi, we know it has been determined beyond conclusively, beyond any
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doubt that the u.s. government hasn't made a real attempt to even interview at least one of the suspects it has named because we know in news crew interviews never talked to anyone the from u.s. government they never even trying. >> sitting on a beach talking about his location. we knew exactly where he was. we had video and had these pictures. we knew almost immediately who was involved in this. >> alisyn: it's in the inspiring confidence. here is are the pictures that the fbi put on their who was the wanted suspect for our own greg palkot interviewed the person who is considered the main suspect back in october. and he was freely sitting drinking a cappuccino at a cafe. nope of it makes any sense why it took you 11 months to get the charges and why on the day of the charges we didn't go and find the suspect who other news crews were able to find. >> it makes sense if you believe and the evidence suggested that the administration is intentionally she walking this investigation. they are intentional live cloaking the details from the public we know that
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40sing people who are there to sign nondisclosure agreements. and apparently punishing those who talk. clear there is a secret at the core of this scandal. not been revealed. >> speak of sandals and speaking of secrets. we learned of course about the irs scandal a few short months ago. targeting conservative groups looking after their affiliations and ask them all sorts of crazy questions, so much so that they kept them from going into business, basically. now we know that they are also going after small businesses and perhaps you are one of these small business owners out there who has received one of these letters in the mail asking another list of long questions as to what exactly you are doing in business in the first place. >> alisyn: surely because this scandal has been revealed that the irs was targeting conservative groups. surely they are north doing that anymore. they would be too smart to continue to target tea party groups. but apparently there is evidence that has come out now because the house ways
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and means committee chairman dave camp just released testimony where they were interviewing another person in the tax exempt office at the irs recently who said absolutely if the tea party application came across my desk i would definitely send it over for secondary screening and send it up to my superiors still. they have not gotten the message yet that you are not allowed to single them out. >> tucker: it shouldn't surprise us that the same people are doing the same things because they are after all the same people. there are been no wholesale fires of irs employees and people responsible for targeting the president's political opponents. in fact, theist official in charge of seeing nonprofits in the cincinnati office where this whole scandal began has not been pro-mighted not indicted promoted a difference. >> or you get paid leave. that's the punishment they have gotten so far. >> right the dream punishment. >> clayton: much more on the show. president obama wants to
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increase transparency and restore government surveillance programs is that even possible? congressman louie gohmert here next with his take on all of, this he is standing by. >> remember that miracle on a missouri highway? a priest appears at the scene of a bad accident, praised for and then disappears. he is not in any photographs taken? he is not in any. did he actually exist? ♪
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>> well, president obama says he will work with congress to change the oversight of some of the national security agency's more controversial surveillance programs we can and must be more transparent. so i have directed the intelligence community to make public as much information about these
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programs as possible. all these steps are designed to ensure that the american people can trust that our efforts are in line with our interests and our values. >> i want to make clear once again that america is not interested in spying on ordinary people. >> tucker: um-huh, do you believe him? well, texas congressman louie gohmert is here. >> i was so glad to hear that. schedule on the past week got him scheduled next welcome. i will guarantee you people in east texas wouldn't mind if the president wants to meet with us in march that's vineyard, i'm sure we could get a group to go up there and meet with him in march that's vineyard. >> a i thought the least believable moment is that he was actually working internal live to reform the nsa before snowden came out and leaked these embracing details. >> absolutely no verification of that
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whatsoever friends saying they were concerned about what was happening. >> oh, sure. i know there are people in homeland security and intelligence saying no, it would help you put a soldier in every home. we don't want to give up that much of our liberty. but, back when we passed -- i wasn't there for the original bill but the extension. the patriot act was never to be used unless there was a foreign tie -- a terrorist and so when i went over and asked one of my more liberal democratic friends why didn't you vote with us on the amendment he said here is what i was given. it was a printout that he had been given from his party that said the law is very clear it there has to be a tie with a foreign terrorist. it can't be used. actually, that is true. but that's not what they were doing. so i really hope that on both sides. i know the president is not on board. he loves getting all this information everybody's phone log in the country.
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i think we are going to have people on both sides of the aisle who are going to come together and we're going to stop this. this is never supposed to be used. >> the idea was we are going to look at the electronic communications foreigner who's want to hurt us. but the current reality is the u.s. government has access to it every key stroke you type into the computer. >> every key stroke. every phone call without warrant. the president says just trust us we won't misuse that information. >> we can trust them because we know the irs -- well, that's not a good example. well maybe in fast and furious -- no, that's not a good idea. i'm sure there is some program where they have been transparent. i can't think of it right now. but we have got to get to the bottom of this. people's privacy is at stake. >> tucker: here is what i don't understand. two email providers have gone out of business voluntarily rather than turn over emails to the u.s. government. in both cases they are not allowed legally to reveal that they have been asked by the u.s. government for
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that information. shouldn't -- what kind of country is it with the u.s. government has asked us for this information. >> they don't ask, they demand. >> they demand? >> that is something that needs to be changed. we originally it was there because they didn't want to alert foreign terrorists that they were going after this. now that we see and i had some faith in district -- federal district judges. but when i see that order that says that a judge -- the judge signed off and said get every single phone call log of every call. inside and outside of the united states, where is the specificity? where is the particularity that's required under the constitution and law? it's not there. we have got to reign this in. i'm hoping we will have a bipartisan group that will be able to do that. >> so, you were a obviously member agust member of congress. >> agust i love that adjective.
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>> tucker: there has been talk, there are rumors that you might be pushed into seeking a senate seat. are those rumors true. >> i have had a lot of people ask me that, particularly tea party groups. i think the best indication is look at my fundraising and look at senators and you can see he has been very agust in his fundraising. i was still planning on running for the house again. >> tucker: i'm an objective journalist. i obviously can't portray my personal opinions but i hope you run. louie gohmert thanks so much. >> thanks so much, tucker. love being with you. >> tucker: he will fix you up if you fix him up. outrageous offer a plastic surgeon is making to find the perfect date. a warning for women, you could be targeted by criminals at the gas pump. watch this video. show you how to protect yourself from this. submit to [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing.
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>> all right. listen up, ladies, shear seeing. you cannot afford to miss. there is a new type of crime that is on the rise. criminals strike while you are pumping gas at the station. they pull up next to you as you can see here in the video and they slide into your unlocked car to steal your valuables you don't even notice what they are doing. police call them sliders they say women are especially vulnerable. how can we protect ourselves from this new threat? >> self-defense instructor is here to teach us how. great to see you again. so i am completely vulnerable to this. when i'm pumping gas, at the gas station, i leave my windows down, my doors are open. my purse is on the seat and i wouldn't even know if somebody had stolen my purse.
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what are the things we need to do to protect ourselves. >> the point of this new trend is to really know how to prevent violence and connecting yourself in public. everything from when you are going through the gas station doing a quick scan of your surroundings. will a al first thing you do don't be unaware be aware what other cars are around you. >> technical term is situational awareness. basically means be more aware of your surroundings. the door should be locked and windows up. put gas in your car. still do another check and actually check your blind spot even though you are not driving and just make sure that everything is in the clear and also look for suspicious people. two guys in a car sitting there and looking at you. >> alisyn: suspicious people don't. >> it could be a child. >> you can't assume anything. it can be a man and woman or a child sent out. >> check your blind spot.
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hide your value yanels. put the purse on the floor or away from where. >> glove compartment box. >> and then you say take your keys with you. i just leave the keys in my cars. >> no, no, no. keep your key with us. actually recommend you keep something like this where you can have emergency cash on hand. >> alisyn: get out with your smaller purse lick. this this has your credit card and cash in case something is stolen. you are not stranded? >> exactly. the keys themselves are great improvised weapon. what i recommend to my students is to have the strongest and largest key in between your index and middle finger and holding it as if you are going to strike. you have that support there when you are going to gas station. >> you say while you are outside of the car keep doing periodic checks. do a 360-degree scan not only for yourself to see if something comes up but also if you sees you as a victim. aware alert looking around you now make yourself a much harder target and big risk for him to be detected. they don't want to be detected.
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>> will a al not all of us are equipped with your cool moves. you have the got the moves. we don't. but you say because of that we should not engage in a burglar. >> even with the knowledge that i have i will not engage because the monetary value of that project not after myself. close quarter and put myself at risk. i don't know if he is armed with the weapon. i don't know what his training is i'm definitely not going to engage with that. >> what if he attacks you first what are you going to do? >> i will definitely defend myself and go for the top targets and neutralize the situation as fasts acan. >> there are two appears you like. >> technology can definitely help. two great apps in general help prevent, but when it comes to technology. you can't rely on it intuition you have. attack the people around you. so to speak. so,. >> alisyn: circle of six. >> circle of six is great prevention app. it's developed for college girls. basically reacheds out your contacts on the spot for
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you. >> alisyn: great, the other someone called silent body guard 3.99. i will tweet both of these out and tweet out your web site because that way you can learn all of these tips and see great moves and how to sign up for deaf defense protection class. great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: aly is going to be more tough when she comes back in. job if we need that around here. coming up here on the show, remember that miracle on a missouri highway? a priest appears at the scene of a bad accident. praised for a team and then disappears. other 70 photos were taken. news organizations there saw him he disappeared and we're not even sure if he actually even there in the first place. >> chopra taking her title as miss world literally and taken over the globe music. she joins us on the curvey couch next. we are honored. we'll be right back. ♪
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the great outdoors.... ...and a great deal. grrrr! ahhh! let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 40% off. only at ♪ don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom! don't tell mom. okay. don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom? yeah. the best stories you'll ever tell start with, don't tell." don't tell dad. start yours in the new santa fe. from hyundai.
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yeah, the pain can be really tough. and it's my family that suffers. then i learned that my pain started at my feet. this was me. that's when i found dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics. yep, i went pro. they reduce the impact on my lower body. p-r-o. i get pain relief from the ground up. so i feel less pain and more energized. it's that simple! i'm a believer. we're all believers! dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics-- pain relief that starts with your feet. i'm a believer. i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save.
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now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. check out the bass pro shops' fall hunting classic for amazing daily specials. saturday, the commander hub style blind and the big game stealth deluxe ladder stand are under $80 each. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here. ♪
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>> tucker: sounds like a fog horn. >> tucker: could be wakeup call for our show. >> tucker: if i had a dog like that i would never go to work i would stay home and play top 40 music and watch him howl you can it tuck set it up. not moving. the camera is not shaking. they know that dog is. >> tucker: dog that talented you don't want to his him up. >> tucker: that may be a camera solely devoted to that dog. we don't know anything about that video. but that is your shot of the morning. welcome to "fox & friends." >> tucker: something we call the internet. rick reichmuth is familiar with that. >> rick: i am. he was doing that to the song of the summer. fun song that made howl. tuna at 7:30 in the
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morning. i guess it's like lunch for us if you have been up to this early. take a look at the weather maps and see what's going on. across areas of california. been dealing with that fire. silver fire burning pretty significantly and quickly across areas of southern california to the west of palm springs. the temps are warming up. winds gusting to around 25 miles per hour. no rain in sight. we had that fire a couple weeks ago in idol wild area. helped by rain that moved in. no rain in sight for southern california right now. temps are going to be creeping up middle part of the week beautiful day across the northeast. yesterday was a muggy one. today not nearly as humid. we will see more sunshine and temps will be warm. it will feel like a nice summer day. down across areas of the southeast scattered pop up afternoon thunderstorms once the day heats up we will see all of those firing once again and still warm across texas. 100 once again in dallas. into the northern plains cool. great lakes towards the
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higher plains. getting to 90 degrees. and out across the west we will see some rain in the pacific northwest. all right, guys, send it back to you. i am on my way in real quickly. let me tell it you. >> tucker: that's going to be rick's new television show he goes up and accost people who are eating things. you are eating tuna. >> tucker: implied judgment tuna at 7:30 in the morning? that's interesting. >> clayton: you are eating a pretzel bud. >> alisyn: call it rick's awkward interview. see you inside. let's get to your headlines and tell you what's happening this morning. new information about the man who allegedly killed his wife then posted a crime scene photo and confession of the crime on facebook you don't want to speak to someone about this case unless someone from the public defender's office is there to speak with you; is that correct? >> yes, sir.
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>> alisyn: derek is charged with first degree murder of his wife 26-year-old jennifer alfonso. being held without bond. he has no criminal history. he wrote a series of self-published books and was a small time actor. emotional testimony in the fort hood shooter trial. soldiers describe a chaotic scene when the gunman opened fire. some said they thought it was a training exercise. others testified they thought they were hit with paint balls and not bullets. accused shatter army major nidal hasan is defending himself but did not cross-examine any witnesses. his lawyers say he wants to receive the death penalty for murdering 13 people and injuring dozens more. they are filing an appeal to take over the defense or to play a reduced role. military law prohibits hasan from pleading guilty since he faces the death penalty. it is now knowns a the missouri miracle. a young woman survives being hit by a drunk driver in many states thanks to a mystery priest. this morning, we have learned that police plan to file charges against the
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26-year-old who crashed into her car sunday morning. the young woman's family and rescue crews still trying to find this so-called angel priest who prayed with her and then disappeared after she was free. he yes, clayton? >> came up and did holy water and did other things. >> anointed her with oil. >> there were like 70 photos taken of the scene and none of the photos saw. [angelic music] >> alisyn: amazing. tell us what you think about that. fix you up. doctor offering free services for dream date. he is he looking for a hot woman who has attended a ivy league school, is christian, has a type b personality. she must love pets. what sign would you like, doctor? so far he has had two setups but rejected both for not measuring up.
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>> tucker: isn't that where he comes in, the measuring up part he can. >> alisyn: turn them into dream women. >> tucker: i'm not a shrink but i am guessing his mother praised him quite a bit coming up. >> clayton: you think he was a spoiled little brat. >> tucker: possible he was a perfect little child. since being crowned in miss world in 2000. the multitalented chopra has been making her mark across the globe starring in movies and making music. >> tucker: you can't miss her whether on the screen in the movie plane or on the radio with her new song exotic. >> alisyn: now the former beauty queen as in current has a new project in the works and involves the nfl. great to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> what's your new project? >> well, one of my songs in my city is what i am is head laning act for the season, which it was also for last season it's the headlining act. >> alisyn: congratulations.
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>> football -- >> new animated big movie out. the disney movie out called planes. >> yes. >> i want all of our viewers to close your ice and theater of the mind. driving your car listen to her voice. which aircraft in this movie and you are supposed to be the love interest. i could see how maybe someone could fall for that voice. just saying. >> fall for the voice? >> give me a little of your character in the movie? >> asian racing champion from india. and hi, my name is ashani am i write. >> clayton: even for alisyn it's working. >> alisyn: fantastic. >> a disney movie for kids. i don't know. >> tucker: i think there will be some adults. >> alisyn: you have a beautiful voice. and you have a really sort of sultry ache sent. what is your accent? >> indian. >> alisyn: and english you spoke as a child or
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immediately? >> no as a child i think everybody is educated in english in india. almost like a second language. >> tucker: you said you currently live in mumbai and los angeles. >> the way i see it is a plane. i come to l.a. almost every two months. ♪ >> tucker: that's got to be the longest commute in the world. >> no, it's not the longest. brazil 36 hours. this is about 22. >> clayton: i'm curious about this movie. because i want to take the kids to see it today. i was just texting my wife about it good kids movie. animated plains, new dizzy movie, how did you get involved with it and what is it with about? >> about the world of cars. planes, and a plane was afraid to fly and how he wants to be more than what he was built for. he was a crop duster and he wants to be a racer and at the end of it all these people that come into his levee during the race help him win. cute movie with a great
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message. >> alisyn: i don't think you should be in a movie that just uses your voice. right? >> i agree. >> alisyn: you should be in a movie where they get to see you. has any director thought about that? >> a few. a few. i have done a bunch of movies in india. i have done about 40 almost. yeah. that should happen soon too, hopefully this part of the world. >> i hope so. it gives us hope in america that it is still a beacon for people like you. can you come to any country you want but you choose the united states. >> thank you very much. i hope -- >> tucker: we have definitely chosen you. >> thank you. >> tucker: thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> clayton: can people download the song yet. >> absolutely. exparticular -- buy the music and watch the movie in the theater. >> clayton: keep your eyes open your eyes now take a look. >> thanks you guys, really. >> clayton: thank you so
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much. >> tucker: infamous drug lord convicted of killing an agent set free. technicality that put a murderer back on the streets. >> clayton: california community get rid of criminal back checks on people applying for jobs. is this a good idea? fair and local leaders coming up next. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed. a quarter million tweeters are tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big.
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hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. [ susan ] i hate that the reason we're always stopping is because i have to go to the bathroom. and when we're sitting in traffic, i worry i'll have an accident. be right back. so today, i'm finally going to talk to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or cannot empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and dreased sweating. do not drive, operate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you know how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. [ susan ] today, i'm visiting my son without visiting every single bathroom.
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[ female announcer ] today, talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? >> clayton: welcome back. city council members apotential employees if they have a criminal past. supporters say the ordinance called ban the box helps those criminal
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histories, those with criminal histories rejoin society. critics worry that it puts employers and potentially dangerous situations. so should employers lose the right to know the criminal background of someone who works for them. with us now fair and balanced debate council woman beckels who introduced the ordinance and congressman tom butt who voted against it it why did you decide to put forth this ordinance? >> well, simple answer is right thing to do. i was approached by an organization of richmonds with the majority of those employees and members are formerly incarcerated. they talk about the difficulty it is to they came they want to be law abiding citizens but having difficulty gaining
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employment as as a result of that come up with a policy. support those that are coming into our community. now we know that with ab 109. we are going to be getting a lot of individuals back into our community and one of the ways that we know works and we do see crime is you have to give individuals the opportunity, a job opportunity. you have to give them community to provide for themselves. >> we got your point, that you want to get these individuals reintroduced into society and one of the ways to could that is get them. do you agree that employers maybe need to give these people a second chance? >> well, actually, we are in substantial agreement about it. i think where we differ is just in a few details. you know, first of all, this ordinance only applies to people who have contracts with the city of richmond. it's not a citywide thing. second of all, ban the
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boxes is a widespread movement. it's been adopted by a unof in states and dozens of cities nationwide and in fact discrimination against people with prior criminal records is actually banned by federal law 1964 civil rights act as amended and the guidelines by the federal equal employment opportunity commission go into great detail on this. one of the things i question is whether we really need to do something like this on a local basis because of all the federal law that's out there already. i think the main place we differ is the level of -- the level of -- that a business has, the level of discretion. that's what i'm trying to say. the level of discretion that a business has to make that final decision about whether to hire somebody. >> clayton: what about that point? that's the crux of it here.
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doesn't a business have the opportunity. i want to know this person's past have they been formerly incarcerated? i want to know if someone has been behind bars. >> the thing about employer discretion is we have had employer discretion in this country for as long as it has been created unfortunately, historically what that has done is create opportunities to discriminate against vits, particularly people of color. we know one in nine men are? yale. one in nine black males are in jail as opposed to one in 100 black males. the system sun balanced. a way to level the field. discretionary options have not worked in favor of people of color. >> clayton: we have got to let it go here. last 10 seconds here. the race side of this agree or disagree? >> i agree with javanka.
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again, there is picky details here discretion by an employer is where we differ employers have to ask v. some discretion and exercise under federal law guidelines that are already out there. >> thank you for joining us this morning. fascinating debate and continue to watch it out there in california. thank you. coming up here on the show just when you thought this irs scandal couldn't get any worse new details emerging that the agency has another target, small business owners this time. what he they're up to. think you have to wait until you are 65 to cash in on senior citizen discounts? think again. the incredible deals you don't want to miss next. i can get senior citizen discounts, alli? >> i'm beth...
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and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. i don't know. how did you get here? [ speaking in russian ] look, look, look... you probably want to get away as much as we do. with priceline express deals, you can get a fabulous hotel without bidding. think of the rubles you'll save. with one touch, fun in the sun. i like fun. well, that went exactly i as planned.. really?
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>> alisyn: if you think you have to waited until you are a senior citizen to cash in on discounts. think again there are amazing deals out there on everything from dining and travel and available the day that you turn 50. >> tucker: personal finance expert joins us now. 50. >> i'm not that far from 50. so you can actually. >> none of us are. >> based on age at the age of 50. >> yes, absolutely. one of them starting at auto. and you get every single day is that banana republic. they offer you 10% off every single day. just show your i.d. >> alisyn: that's incredible. banana republic every tuesday 15% off at beels?
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>> beels and also goodies. this is another store. i think mostly in the midwest. they offer about 20% off if you you join their club 50 plus. >> alisyn: why are businesses doing this for 50-year-olds instead of waiting until 6 a. >> i thinked that the aarp offers these discounts. i think that people are starting to drive less as they get older. not because of age reason why but they just -- they want to get out more and i think these discounts kind of kick in a little bit earlier as opposed to later. >> the aarp is among other things a left wing advocacy group. some people object to that. is it possible to get these discounts without participating? aarp? >> exactly. that's why we are talking about the banana public discount as well. some of these restaurants offer restaurants krispy kreme. they offer 10% off for people over 50 years old. that's every single day. >> you can eat at krispy kreme every single day. >> 10% off, off the coffee,
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off the donuts and steak and shake. mondays and tuesdays they offer 10% off if you are over:no matter how many times you are going to steak and shake. >> tucker: why not? >> alisyn: also prescriptions you can get a discount on those at k-mart? >> k-mart offers prescriptions. also, we are looking at they have a gold -- gold k program. that's actually 20% off on those prescriptions. and also you can get discounts on eye vision. so you could get about 10% off once you are going in for eye care at different locations there so what i wanted to say too to your point, tucker. there are also other organizations like the senior coalition you can apply for that's not the aarp that you can and they offer discounts. you don't even have to be a senior. they think that seniors should be advocated for as they should by everybody. be a senior go to that web site as well. >> there are options. >> alisyn: thanks so much. >> thanks for having me.
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>> coming up, teachers packing heat. one school district defying the top cop in their state and giving teachers guns. is that a good move? >> tucker: president finally pressing in months did he say anything note worthy? we have got it coming up. ♪ did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age?
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[ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect mfamily. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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[ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods.
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♪ visit to learn your risk. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is saturday, august 10th. i'm alisyn camerota. thanks for joining us. we begin with a fox news alert. we have had breaking news overnight. police have confirmed the 8-year-old boy thought to be missing in a california kidnapping case was killed are in the fire. but this morning there is renewed hope that his sister could still be alive. we have the latest on this developing story for you. >> and if you disagree with the president, you are a racist. the nation's top democrat in the senate, harry reid taking a shot at republicans. should he be forced to apologize? governor huckabee live coming up here with his take on that. >> he looks pretty comfortable in his own studio by the way. >> he looks like is he a game show host. >> and a son sends his mom
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hunt for her birthday president. what she got was priceless. >> what is this? >> well, it's ---what is it? >> oh beings it's a bug. where is it? [screams] that would have taken me weeks to figure out. why is there a bun stuck in the oven. expected grandparent live with us. "fox & friends" how three strts right now. starts right now. >> good morning "fox & friends." [phone ringing. [good morning "fox & friends." >> tucker: call center is open this morning. that was so clever. >> clayton: i would have never thought about it. >> tucker: only a well placed kick from alisyn be why is aly kicking me? wait. >> alisyn: as your work spouse i take a lot of liberty how i can treat you
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in the morning. >> tucker: i appreciate it i needed it. >> alisyn: any time. get to your evidence lines and tell you what's happening. we do have breaking news right now. while you were sleeping, authorities did sadly confirm that the second body found inside that burned down california home is that of 8-year-old ethan anderson. this news comes as an international manhunt to find his 16-year-old stirgs has turned to remote and rugged mountain area in idaho about 70 miles north of imoizy. a group of horseback riders told police they saw the missing girl hannah anderson and her alleged kidnapper near an area known as the river of no return. she appeared to be in good health. and they couldn't tell if she was being held against her will. meanwhile, authorities found the blue nissan hidden in the brush. the license plates were gone. she is accused of murdering her mother and now her brother at his home. the ntsb is trying to
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figure out what caused a small plane to crash in two homes in connecticut. up to six people. plane went down few blocks from an airport where it was trying to land. two children aged 1 and 13 were trapped in one of the homes. neighbors said he heard mother screaming and ran to help. >> immediately just ran to the house. he said they were upstairs. ran upstairs and there was a crib and disturbing but flipped the crib over. looked throorly, looked in the other beds, looked under the bed in the closet and nothing. ran downstairs and the fire really intensified and it was time to get out. >> alisyn: the airport manager says no distress calls were made. notorious mexican drug lord who brutally murdered a usdea agent is now a free man. according to mexico overturning the conviction he served only 28 years of a 40 years sentence. the court threw out the remaining sentence saying he was improperly tried.
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plans to push for him to be retried in a u.s. court. they became multimillionaires overnight that is not keeping some of the lucky power ball winners off the job. one man spotted pumping gas at this station. dubbed. the co-workers will split a third of the 448-million-dollar jackpot. each will walk away with nearly $4 million after taxes. the boss says he is not surprised that they showed up for work. >> they were here yesterday at work. they knew they won the lottery and they were here. that tells you a lot about who they are. >> we are still waiting for the third and final power ball winner who come forward. that ticket was also sold in new jersey. all right. rick reichmuth doesn't get out of bed for less than $4 million. let's see what he is doing right now. >> you are right. you were complaining about my awkward tuna fish sandwich interview it wasn't that awkward pause
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she is back. she has moved far enough out of reach from the microphone. [cheers and applause] >> another food item. >> no food items on her to be found. all right. let's take a look at your weather maps this morning as you are getting up. we have got some cool temps across the northern plains. texas, 78 right now. get back up to about 100 degrees unfortunately today. this is the last 48 hours of rainfall. can you see all of that heavy rain moving across oklahoma, kansas, into missouri. right now it is centered right across the northern areas of arkansas. right along the ozarks and i will tell you what, too much rainfall and too quickly we have had flooding. really incredible flooding this week. anywhere you see that maroon color on the map. northern arkansas, southern missouri. flash flooding going on dangerous time right now this morning. you know what to do if you are in there stay out of the water and get to high ground. northern missouri not really getting any of this rain. it's just been centralized over one specific spot there. temps today going to look like this. back into the triple digits
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around dallas and san antonino. phoenix as well. 82 in seattle with a few thunderstorms. cool temps remain across the great lakes. 70s and 80's. cooler than average. typically across those areas. all right, guys. send it back to you inside. >> alisyn: thanks so much, rick. we want to bring in governor mike huckabee right now. >> good morning. >> thanks for loaning us the studio. >> me casa sui casa. >> nice studio. impressed. >> it's fun. we are happy to loan it out. >> tucker: we want to get your take on the president's press conference yesterday. this was an afternoon press conference middle of the summer before he headed off to martha's vineyard for vacation. what we are first reactions to the president's press conference? talking about al qaeda specifically. he basically says we
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dismantled al qaeda. 18 of the 19 beamentses they closed last week. >> during the campaign, he said usama bin laden is dead and we disseminated al qaeda. we didn't disseminate the whole al qaeda we hammered their top leadership why have completely disseminated terrorism. i don't think anyone thought that the killing of usama bin laden was the end of terrorism i don't think there will ever be an end to the terrorism. why. >> not happy. >> alisyn: claim that he disseminated al qaeda? that was sort of a bold and brazen statement that now he is having to walk it back constantly. >> he is really not having to walk it back. he should be. mission accomplished and they hammered him for the rest of his presidency over that yeah, whoever staged
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that moment, that was not a good one because, you know, that lends itself to misinterpretation just as it does to say disseminated that was his word. not finished not declined disseminated. well, he didn't. that's the harsh reality of terrorism. whack a mole, knock one down and 10 more pop up. you are right we are not going to be done with terrorism because we said so. >> tucker: some of his key defenders are still claiming that opposition to obama is rooted in racism. listen to the senate majority leader harry reid of nevada make that case on a radio show. >> it has been obvious they are doing everything they can to make him fail, i hope, i hope that it's -- i say this seriously. i hope that they're -- that's based on substance not the fact that he is an
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african-american. >> tucker: will there come a day when the opponents of obama are given credit for having sincere disagreement with his holies or always be dismissed as racist? >> no. because this is easier to call racism than it is to try to defend the policyst that have had a disseminating effect on our economy. obama is so unpopular even the unions who sponsored is against it. max baucus calls it a train wreck there are so many people that areo opposed to the policies of obama nothing to da with his personality or his person. it has nothing to do with his ethnicity. i could go so far as to say that it's not the african-american part of him that we agree with. it's the white side of him. it's the maternal side of him. that way would end the racism all together. >> tucker: take a look at the numbers. black unemployment rate birth rate, poverty rate. you could make the case. this were a white president you could make the case his policies have had a disproportionately negative effect on black americans. >> more black americans
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lost their homes when the housing bubble burst. there has been a tremendous negative impact, the number of african-americans who are in prison has has declined. the number of unemployed, young african-american males is now at almost a 30% mark. these are real serious issues. but, you know, it's not about race. it's really about the bigger sense of the country. are people better off? are they optimistic. >> people are used to him shooting from the hip. in a way it's almost -- it's sad that harry reid says something and nobody takes it seriously because of what you just said. it's just harry reid. it's just harry being harry. that ought to be something that would be a wakeup call to harry. i have lost all credibility. all sense of respect. people just take what i say
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as it's just harry being harry like joe biden. that's just joe biden being joe biden. we just gloss over it. >> it seemed that we took the president at his word when we said the irs was going to be looked at top to bottom. we will comb it over and make sure there it are no targeting of conservative groups. specific groups being selected anymore. we know that was going on. of course, the tea party groups being selected. now we know this weekend, that, in fact, it's still going on and that members of the irs have admitted as much. if they see a tea party application for a business come through they are still going to pass it on to another persons get clearance. that has to be one of the most shocking and outrageous things. in part because this is so blatantly illegal. it is so blatantly indefensible. even democrats on the congressional committees accept a couple of hyper partisans. recognize this sin tolerable. we can't have this. yet it continues on it does
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make clear though why when robert muriel was testifying before congress and he was trying to be pinned down by jim jordan who said well, who is in charge of the investigation? i don't know. what is the status of the investigation? i don't know. you know why? because there isn't an investigation. nobody is doing anything. lois lerner is still drawing a paycheck. taking the fifth amendment. >> has anybody been fired. >> nobody has been fired. promoted. lois lerner in cincinnati special provision nonprofits has been promoted for heaven's sake. classic example, screw up, coverup, move up. that's the government formulaened a zeus proven again to be true. >> governor, stick around if you would. >> okay. >> we have more to ask you about because teachers are packing heat. one school district is defying the top company of in the state and giving teachers guns. is that a good move? >> tucker: a brawl breaks out at customer service counter. you have got to see to
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believe. ♪ [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yos. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. you decide. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch.
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unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. it's been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let's have a look, morty. it's a sweeper. what's this? what's that? well we'll find out. we'll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall.
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i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! oh boy... there you go... morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we'll be fine. my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>> welcome back. after recent gun violence. school districts around the country have been hoping to improve their school security and one district in the governor's state of arkansas made the controversial decision to arm teachers. take a listen. this is a local decision. this is something that we're not proponents of saying that every district needs to do it this way. all we are saying is that in our locality, with our particular circumstances, we think that this is a good program and that this is going to work and provide a better system of security for our kids. >> so, is arming teacherrers the answer? mike huckabee former governor of arkansas is back us. the superintendent supports it but the attorney general
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of arkansas does not support it and wants the school to abandon plans to arm teachers. they are set to do so in two weeks before this starts. what do you think. >> superintendent is right. they can deposit pew advertise these people. look at the training gone through. been very expensive. same training been given to a law enforcement officer it is a much less expensive. it's less intrusive. it creates much less the environment ofq making the school like a goologue. i think what the superintendent and the school district has done s. a very measured responsible and frankly very thoughtful approach to school security. you cannot wait until police officers get there. if you have an active shooter. all the whiz bang technology of electronic doors and all the cameras. it's not going to stop things. it didn't stop the shooter in new town, what you have to do is to get that shooter off his game. put him on the defensive as quickly as possible. it saves lives. it's as simple as that and that's what this program is designed to do. the other thing i was
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skeptical i will admit. one of the great benefit of this is it prevents having to post cops all around the school. i don't want my children to go to school in an armed camp. don't want them around people with guns and uniforms all the time because it feels like prison. >> that's the point. the kids aren't going to know, okay, you know, ms. camerota has got a gun. >> oh, man. >> alisyn: they suspect it it you have a situation where shooter comes on the campus he doesn't know who is armed. if you have an armed police officer resource officer and is he standing in the hall. you know he is harmted. if you can take him out. now it's all up to you. >> that's a broader question though governor. it's not necessarily some random person off the street that comes into the school. what finance it's a student that's at the school that knows that ms. camerota is the designated teacher or where these guns are kept in the school? that's the other side of the argument, right? >> the student are not
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necessarily going to know which of the teachers have been deposit pew advertised. where the firearms are and even if they do. it's still a deterrent and you still have a greater likelihood just from a time factor in that you have multiple teachers. unless you have multiple shooters who all go out and take out 00 targets, ie the teachers who are armed. you still have a much better chance than if you have to wait until someone comes from the outside, assesses the situation. determines where the shooter is, potentially puts the situation in more danger. i think what the superintendent is doing is admirable. he should be applauded for it. >> alisyn: very quickly who wins the attorney general or the superintendent. >> the attorney attorney geners opinion in arkansas is an opinion. it is not a legally binding order it is simply an opinion. if he gets sued. the opinion might be used in a lawsuit but ultimately the courts will decide. you know, i think the attorney general made a decent stab at it but i just think he was wrong and the superintendent in this case is right. >> tonight, huckabee show, 8:00 p.m. here on the fox
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news studio. >> we will he throw you out. >> who is on the show tonight. >> we have a very interesting discussion with people talking about the divide in the republican party. tea party wing, establishment wing and who is right? who is wrong. county party get together or will we become a party of dismemberment and end up democrats by default have another shot at it. >> sounds interesting. >> next up on the rundown, sick and tired of getting those summer bug bites? we'll we have got some simple but very effective solutions coming up. >> saying goodbye to uncle sam and turning in passports. shocking number of people fleeing the united states and why. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids
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were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. like carpools... polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ at&t mobile share for business. trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal
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in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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spiked in the number of americans giving up their citizenship to avoid paying higher taxes from the federal government. news data finds almost 2,000 people have left the country for good so far this year renouncing their citizenship. six times the number in 2008 finally $81 million. agreed to pay tumbler founder carp works on it next four years. sold tumbler for more than a million dollars. irritating bug bites, something we all hope to
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avoid. here to battle the bites is the assistant clinical professor of medicine and rheumatology at the nyu medical center. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> did we avoid bug bites. >> we are getting bitten quite at lot. can you definitely protect against we will talk about that insect rebel hent lent and what we can do to diminish the number of bites we are getting. what we are talking about this summer is what are we concerned about in terms of transmission of certain viruses. >> alisyn: like west nile. >> the kinds infections exposed endemic for our area. yellow fever. found in more tropical areas. west nile. affected every state except for alaska and hawaii been here since 1999. the vast majority people exposed to west nile virus roughly 80% will have no symptoms whatsoever. misconception people get
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very nervous about west nile. roughly one in five people will develop west nile fever a low grade fever headache and flu like illness. actually one in -- suffer encephalitis and meningitis. >> alisyn: if you get a mosquito bite how do you prevent it from going forward. >> what most people need to understand is that again even with mosquitoes that don't carry west nile, if anything it's a self-plymouthed flu like experience they may experience topical cortisone or antihistamine such as benadryl. incould you situation period for west nile in particular is 2 to 14 days. if you develop a high fever, stiff neck, altered mental status, meaning that you are becoming disoriented you need to seek medical attention. a little malaise, achiness, low grade fever it's really going to worry about.
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>> you want it prevent the bite from happening. what you can you do as you head out? >> four really important things to remember. number one i object second repellent deet, and something more complimentary oil of eucalyptus. very very affiliate at concentrations less than 30%. all people except for infants to 6 months of age including pregnant and lactating women are accused to use deet. the others not anyone under the age of 3. avoid being out at dawn and dusk. those are the times when the mosquitoes are most active and rampant. wear long sleeve clothing that covers your ankles and your arms. avoid standing water. so like overturned tires. bird baths, places like that are mosquitoes can breathe. screens on doors and windows to keep mosquitoes
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from coming. in. >> alisyn: we worry about lyme disease in the northeast. also applies to preventing ticks. >> same are used to prevent illnesses. >> alisyn: thanks for all the tips. should make summer more comfortable. meanwhile, tell you what's coming up. a son sends a mom on a hunt for her birthday present. what she found was priceless. >> what is this? >> what is it. >> oh, it's a bun. >> it's a bun. >> where is it? >> [screams] [ laughter ] >> alisyn: the expack tant parents and the grandma to be are here with us live next. and could the mystery of money that lisa finally be solved? the new research that could put a name to that famous face. [ jackie ] its just so frustrating...
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sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. [ steam hisses ] actually... guys! [ female announcer ] can. introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. it gets the dirt that mops can leave behind with steam-activated cleaning pads that break down dirt and lock it away. how did you get this floor so clean? ♪ steamboost, sir! [ female announcer ] new swiffer steamboost powered by bissell.
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not just clean, steamboost clean.
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>> welcome back, a florida couple pulling off a priceless surprise as they reveal the pregnancy to one of the grandmothers to be. watch how they did this. >> what is this? >> what is it? >> oh, it's a bun. >> where is it? >> it's in the-oven.
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[screams] [ laughter ] >> oh, it's a bun. >> so fantastic. joining us are the expectant parents and ecstatic grandma to be lee. great to see you guys. hi. >> hi. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> hi momma. tell us about that great moment where you said oh, it's a bun. ahhh! >> i know, first of all if i may just back up when i went to pick them up at the airport. lynn was so slim in her exercise clothes. as soon as i saw her i said darn, she is not pregnant in on the. he yes. and the only thing they talked about was exercising and how they rode their bike. so i knew she wasn't pregnant. what the time came from the cav jerry hunt and i put 2 and 2 together i was shocked. and that's why the
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overreaction because i did not expect it. it was wonderful. >> it's so clever. how did you all think this up? the bun in the oven? that was the inspiration that inspired this? >> well, i can answer that we don't hold the monopoly on the phrase bun in the oven obviously it's been around for a long time. i come from a very long line of punsters that's what i bring to the marriage. i had this in my back opportunity. >> people mark puns but they are a sign of a high iq. >> it's a lost art. >> sean, i have to give you props. you were filming this whole thing and you had to orchestrate this whole thing i imagine. take us through the set up process. >> he yes, well this is an agreement of ever since i met her six years ago. she didn't mention this 6 years ago i probably would have run away. the bun in the oven has been in her back pocket for
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an lo imtoo. i knew i needed to take my technical skills especially knowing how momma lee reacts to things. >> clayton: if you are just waking up. a lot of viewers waking up right now and may have missed it it let's play this great moment. >> oh, it's a bun. where is it? it's in -- [screams] >> clayton: alisyn, would have you figured it out that quickly. >> alisyn: oh it's a cinnamon roll, thank you. were you afraid you were going to eat it before figuring out the pun? >> well, i think it was an old expression and since i'm a senior citizen i eventually did put it together. when i first saw the bun i didn't understand why it didn't have a pan underneath it i was just totally shocked by it but then as the -- totally surprised and then when i put it together and i have
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been wanting lynn to have a baby for the last four areas. it was a moment of overjoy. >> who doesn't put aluminum foil in here with cooking how irresponsible. >> tucker: enjoy. congratulations all of you patients and grandmother to be this is wonderful news. >> this is wonderful. thank you. >> alisyn: thank you, guys, thanks for sharing your personal experience with us. we look forward to seeing that little bun when it's hatched. >> what a great family. you guys are great. >> you appreciate the multicamera shoot. >> he had multiple cameras set up. well lit. really thought that through. they took that pun to the next level. that bun pun to the next level. >> i can watch her face over and over and over again that face of joy is so beautiful. i love it all right, guys. let's talk about the weather. we have got a pretty nice guy finally across areas of the northeast.
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areas across areas of the central plains have not been able to catch a break this week. we have had more rain overnight. in fact some he very heavy rain is falling across northern arkansas and southern missouri this morning bringing more flooding an area all week long has been dealing with extreme rains. in fact, this month so far we are 10 days in now until august. take a look at some of these numbers. in fort leonard wood, missouri, 17 inches of rain in those actually nine days. generally in the months of june, july, and august, you would have seen around 12 inches of rain. give you an idea how extreme this rainfall is. west plains three months average just in the last nine days and wichita same story. you are dealing with incredible rainfall. so any more rain he we get is going bring more flooding in the next few days see more rain. into the northeast quickly we have a nice day. plenty of sunshine. rain across parts of the southern plains and in towards that central plains today that will cause the bigger problems. and then out across the west. finally some rain in towards seattle. very dry and see a few thunderstorms right there. all right.
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send it back to you guys inside. >> alisyn: thanks so much, rick. let's get right to your head lanes. just waking up tell you more about the man who allegedly killed his wife and posted a crime scene photo and confession of the crime on facebook. watch this. >> you don't want to speak to anyone from this point on about your case unless someone from the public defender's office is there to be with you and assist you. >> exactly. >> is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> that is derek madina he is charged with the murder of his wife alfonso. he told police he shot her after she said she was leaving him. he is being held without bond. he has no previous criminal history. the florida man wrote a series of self-published books. being charged with felony bomb possession. a crime punishable by up to 18 years in prison. three accomplices allegedly drove around neighborhoods
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tossing plastic bottles filled with chemicals and shrapnel at people they knew. they said it was a prank. luckily no one was hurt. all four teenagers face the same charges and are due back in court later this month. well, the bitter custody battle between an r and b singer usher, of course, and his ex-wife ended with usher remaining the primary caregiver of their two young sons. an emergency hearing took place following their a-year-old son's near drowning earlier this weeks. extried to argue he is not attentive enough father and she should be granted custody. before they left court they did briefly hug. their son is expected to be released from the hospital sometime this weekend. and chairs are for sitting. not for brawling people. check out this business outside of chicago. a guy has an argument with a customer service rep. he walks away and comes back chair in hand. he throws it at the service counter and melee ensues. soon people are throwing
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anything they can get their hands on. the chaos lasted for several minutes. >> somethin' tells me they worked it out o. they got his money back. he charged into enemy fire to help save medal of honor recipient dakota myers. why has that afghan translator been abandoned by the united states? >> plus, men's health magazine here with what's in and what's out to keep in shape this summer. stay tuned. ♪
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check out the bass pro shops' fall hunting classic for amazing daily specials. saturday, the commander hub style blind and the big game stealth deluxe ladder stand are under $80 each. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here.
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this was me. then i found dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics. they reduce the impact on my lower body. so i feel less pain and more energized. dr. scholl's pain relief orthotics-- pain relief that starts with your feet. i'm a believer. >> alisyn: welcome back. time for quick headlines, the story we brought you last week. a 12-year-old who says he was cheated out of $3,000 because jeopardy host alex tri beck did not give him credit for final an misspelled emancipation patrol car column immigration pro clam
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immigration. they shot down the boy's answer because he gave the word emancipation an extra syllable. he feels the judgment was harsh. identity long been suspected to be lisa delgindco wife of a silk. dig up skeletal. one is believed to be da vinci's model. well, four years ago when afghan translator by the name of hafez risked his life when he was asked to help rescue american soldiers after ambushed by the taliban. much deserved myer was awarded the medal of honor for his heroic actions the translator still in afghanistan fears for his wife author of into the
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fire. a first-hand account of the extraordinary battle of the afghan war being a decorated marine officer in vietnam. mr. west, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, tucker. >> not just a translator but acted heroically in combat and he somehow can't get his visa approved to come to the u.s.? what is the holdup? >> hafez is a false name, of course, he killed some of the taliban. he was wounded twice. he did everything possible to bring our people back. he already had a visa application in. he has generals who have said yes this man deserves to come to the united states before he is killed. and, yet, for four years, we have a system in the state department that prevents him and practically every other afghan interpreter from ever getting a visa. they have the -- congress has put aside 5,000 slots for these men who have risked their lives for us
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and the state department has allowed only about 200 of the 5,000 come in. because they are afraid to death. they are just -- the state department is just a bunch of bureaucrats sitting on their duffs. they won't allow the generals in afghanistan who won't approve these interpreters. they won't allow them to come into the swats dr. it's a shame. >> random pashtun off the coast of kandahar. this specific guy hafez is a friend of the united states and deserves. this what kind of risk does he face by remaining in afghanistan? >> oh, is he moving. he keeps moving with his family. we can't use his real name. the taliban want to get him because he killed some of them. for us just to be leaving him out there on that battlefield, that's unconscionable. and every single -- i'm sorry, tucker? >> it seems like, not to generalize, it seems like
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part of a pattern. famously the pakistani physicians who helped us locate usama bin laden and then imprisoned by pakistan the u.s. did, as far as i know, nothing to help him. >> i believe it is a pattern. and it's caused by fear of making one mistake. but we're applying it only to those who have done the most for us. look, if we are worried about people being terrorists and come here to the united states, then start with the saudi arabia, because they were the ones who hit the twin towers and then start with russia and check knee a. know to jordanian, number in the middle east should come to the united states of america. we haven't said that we have said the only people we are going to pick on are the afghan interpreters out on the battlefield with our platoons and people like that poor doctor in pakistan who risked everything for us. i think we are a little bit nutty at the top. i really do. they are not paying attention to those who love america enough to die for
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america. >> tucker: the irony, of course, is that this guy hafez is attempting to immigrate here legally. if he just strolled across our southern borders like tens of millions of others, there would be no problem. >> tucker, he went to the embassy in kabul and the embassy in kabul approved him. it's a bunch of bureaucrats. i would say to any american listening to this, call up the visa department of the state department any time and say i would like to know, have you been authorized by congress 5,000 visa slots for afghan interpreters. how many you have approved? i guarantee you, america, they won't tell you because they are ashamed of what they did. they have done nothing. >> there are a lot of injustices in this world but you have shined a spotlight on one of the more egregious ones and we appreciate it i bet that this wrong is righted thanks to you. we appreciate it? >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: another high ranking irs official for
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her role in the tea party target scandal. your government gives you a raise. a story that will have your blood boiling, coming up. bear running, protein drinks. what's up for men's fitness. the top health trend of 2013. you are watching one of them right there. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase.
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so you can. still doesn't feel real. our time together was... so short. well, since you had progressive's total loss coverage, we were able to replace your totaled bike with a brand-new one. the tank, the exhaust... well, she looks just like roxy! you know, i'll bet she's in a better place now. i'm sure she is. [ ethereal music plays ] [ motorcycle revving ] getting you back on a brand-new bike. now, that's progressive.
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spin craze? >> i'm all about it.
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>> so 2012. >> david jack is a contributor for "men's health" and has the 411 for what's in for men this year. good to see you. >> good to see you, guys. >> you've got to get early, make sure you have the proper meal. >> we've been refocusing our attention on skipping it. >> the cool thing is people are doing different things for breakfast. sometimes we can't get the big meal, the eggs and veggies we want, so guys are moving to things just like a solid whole-grain cereal, like a total, different grains like a quinoa, and also green smooties. the other thing that guys are doing is delays their breakfast a bit, but there's a reason for it. so there's some interesting things going on. >> what is the reason? >> just or hormone cascades. the cortisol levels are elevating action and letting them dip a bit, and then putting foot in our system.
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we've seen barefoot running take off. you say this is a trend that we need to look out for, could be a bad trend? >> it can. for years if you've been in what we call a higher heel, so your foot is elevated, off the ground higher, so now with our heel up, we have a different ankle bend. when we drop to a lower profile heel, that ankle drops, puts more attention on our achilles, and can cause some serious issues. with we go cold turkey from high heel to low heel, bad things are happening to good people. >> i wanted david to demonstrate on his arm. if we start with a baby with bare feet, basically -- maybe zoom in tight on your forearm. >> it has a lot of good premise behind it. if i do this, if you look at the muscles in my arm, they're not forced to react, but if i open up and allow my toes to grab the
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ground, so the stimulus creates the response and really starts at our feet, so we have to be careful. they're good, but we have to progress into them. so run much less if you're going to use them. walk around with them for a while to see how they feel. give it a day or two. take time to adapt to the. >> protein drinks, do you like them? >> i do. i like good quality sources of protein, because it's bioavailable, easier to digest. >> like what? >> whey proteins, so even its spartos, without a load of added artificial sweeteners, so that's good for a quick recovery. the g-series from gatorade which has added protein, and a good classic whey protein. it's complete, with a full spectrum of amino acids, critical for good health and the
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building blks for building muscles. >> people with elimination diets, is that a good trend or bad trend? >> i think listening to your body. if you sense that something doesn't feel like, take a gluen or dairy, or something specific out of your diet, and then feeling if it made a difference in how you feel after the meal, checking in with yourself after of eat something is a great way to know. don't go cold turkey all the way. once again you may not be getting the nutrition you need. >> we have a few seconds left. the juices, another good smart trend? >> yes, smart trend, good healthy food. >> david jack, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> good to see you. >> great to see you guys. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. this is why i don't run. ♪
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my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed.
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are you in good hands?
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good morning, everyone. wow, that's close. >> it was really close. >> all right. we're just adjusting to the new studio as we'll explain in a moment. meanwhile, today is saturday, august 10th, i'm alisyn camerota. we have some breaking news. police confirming that the 8 years old boyd thought to be missing was actually killed in a fire, but this morning there is renewed hope that his sister may still be alive. the captain of the san diego sharps department will join us ahead. and think again. not only are they still targeting the president's political foes, but now they're going after small business. so much for the free market. we've got details coming up. they say happy wife, happy
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life. words to live by, really. what if that means sleeping alone, the unconventional ways that couples are improves their relationships. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. hey, it's richard simmons, the best exercise for your mind is "fox & friends." >> we appreciate that, richard. we're in a new studio, and the commute to the outside is like 15 minutes. >> do we have that outside shot, control booth? >> by the way, richard simmons is under the couch. the voice you heard came -- >> if i had a telestrator, f i was joe buck, you could draw for you. we were doing that fitness segment. this is the huckabee studio down the street, so go all the way down the street, around the corner, and you're hearing like 30 seconds, 20 seconds until we come back, 15, there was no sign
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of alisyn a few moments ago. >> our stage manager actually timed it. 1 minute, 45 seconds at a trots to get from outside to in here. >> but she's back. >> thank goodness, and we are gf to have a great studio for you in a few weeks. meanwhile, we have a lot of breaking news. there are brand-new developments overnight in the california amber alert. police have confirmed that the child's body that was found inside that burned-down home on sunday is that sadly an 8-year-old ethan anderson. this morning the search for his 16-year-old sister has turned to a rut mountain area in idaho, about 70 miles northeast of boise. a group of horseback riders told police they saw the missing girl and her alleged kidnapper near an area known as the river of no return. investigators say there is no evidence that she's being held against her will.
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yet authorities found his blue nissan hidden in the brush without its license plates. he's accused of murdering the girl's mother and brother. coming up in ten minutes, we'll speak to the lead detective with more breaking details. also new overnight, up to six people are feared dead after a small plane crashed into two connecticut homes, setting them on fire. this happens a few blocks from an airport where the plane was supposed to land. it's believe the father and son on the plane are among those killed. also feared dead two children trapped in one of the home after the crash. never got it so close, and it's awful. it's awful. i never want to see that again. >> the airport manager says no distress calls were made. and testimony will resume monday in the ft. hood shooting trial. on friday witnesses got emotional on the stand. some said they thought it was a
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training exercise when he opened fire. one man recalled bolting out of the set of double doors, and run ago zigzag pattern. he's defending himself, but did not cross-examine witnesses. his standby lawyers say he wants to receive the death penalty for murdering 13 people and injuring dozens more. they are filing an appeal to take over the defense, or to play a reduced role. military law prohibits nisan from pleading guilty since he faces the death penalty. talk about an explosive scene. yikes, this truck exploding more than 30 times in less than ten minutes. you can see bystanders booking it when the explosions being more intense. the video completely going viral. those are your headlines. thanks, ali.
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how is the weather looking? >> it is looking good out here. if you've been watching all morning, there was a tuna fish incident earlier this morning. >> awkward interview. >> and she couldn't have been that afraid, because she's hanging out, and now certainly i'm getting afraid. i feel like retribution might be coming. they keep on sphericing back here. >> you made fun of her food. >> there's some s'mores coming up later, just for all the abuse you've taken. somebody was like, hey, where's the tuna fish girl? >> she's famous. >> famous as the tuna fish girl. as you are waking up this morning, here's your temps. still warm across places like dallas. dla will likely be your 11th day in a row of temps over 100. take a look at what happens. you have wednesday and thursday to look forward to. all the way down towards that
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area back into the upper 80s. that's a very nice break eventually. we've had some very heavy rain obviously this week all across the areas of the central plains. look at what happened yesterday in colorado, this video out of manitou springs, an incredible flash flooding moved through there. you can see all of that gray water -- there was a big fair there last summer, so a lot of this is some of that burned area that saw a lot of that silt and ash that is not moving in here. take a look at what it looked like after the water went through. cars moved everywhere, dirt and debris, and these are stories we've been seeing this weep in nashville, north georgia, now in towards parts of colorado, as well as in towards kansas and missouri. a rough week and more rain unfortunately. this pattern doesn't change over the next few days, guys. sending it back to you guys inside. the president this morning
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off to martha's vineyard to kick off his vacation. he gave us all something to digest this weekend as he held the big press conference, the first wide-ranging on just every topic imaginable that came up. one of the big questions, of course this past week was exactly how involved the administration has been in looking into the benghazi attacks, and now that we're about to approach one year, we still don't have any answers. we still don't have the transparency that so many americans have been asking for i want the first press conference in four months and a lot has happened, including many different scandals, one of them the nsa surveillance program was rescreed by ed snowden. he then went on the run, so there was a lot to ask the president about. here he is on ed snowden. >> no, i don't think mr. snowden was a patriot. as i said in my opening remarks,
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i called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before mr. snowden made these leaks. my preference, and i think the american people's preference would have been for a lawful orderly examine these laws, a thoughtful fact-based debate that would then lead us to a better place. >> yes, of all the things obama has asked us to believe, this may be the least believable, the most ludicrous, that we were on the way for before this happened. this administration requires e-mail providers to turn over all the data to them. i don't care what they say, they can access it without a warrant, and we should not worry, because trust u.s., says president
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obama, you're a crazy person if you're at all worried about the government using misusing this data. >> it's an expansion of the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, it was renewed, and the extra data being gathered, as a result of this, this massive facility stores all of the content? and further what's infuriating about this idea is we're not really looking at it, but they could if they wanted to. yes, we know there aren't analysts dedicated to alisyn's phone every day, but if they wanted to, they can go back and search whenever they want. >> president obama back when he was a center, he was opposed to very tenets of george bush's ideas for this. he was and about his evolution on how he got to become comfortable with this expansion of the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act. we had congressman gohmert to
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talk about it. >> we can trust him, because we know in our -- well, that's not a good example, but maybe in fast and furious -- no, that's not a good idea. well, i'm sure there's some program where they've been transparent, but we've got to get to the bottom of this, and people's privacy is at stake. >> people's -- >> the president seemed genuinely angry at that press conference after the irs scandal was reveered, said he's going to get to the bottom of it. he said, and it did not come from the top, he said, yesterday we're learning this morning, so you would think the targeting of this conservative groups would have stopped. it turns out this morning that that's not the case. in fact it has continued even to this day. >> you would think that some reporter would have asked a question about the irs scandal. nobody has been fired. some of the people who perpetrated these crimes have been promoted, and yet not one
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journalist in the room thought that it rose to the level of a question to the president. it just sort of slipped beneath the waves. >> and according to "wall street journal" today, something else is happening that the i.r.s. is behind that it's sending a chill down the spine of small business owners, meant thousands have gotten letters from the i.r.s. saying we are keeping an eye on you, because we don't believe you are reporting all of your cash transactions. it's north an audit, they say, but when you get a her from the i.r.s. saying you're on notice, we're keeping an eye on you, it's frightening. so what they are wondering is if this is a way for the i.r.s. to try to, you know, pad its coffers and make more money by going after the small businesses. >> but it is. the administration has decided the way to make up budget gaps is not by reducing the welfare rolls, but the problem is americans aren't taxed enough,
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so we're going to make sure that everybody pays every last dime using the i.r.s., which has proven tore corrupt, an instrument of the president's political campaign. >> not only until this case, but under obama care, if they don't beat the employer mandate cap. let us know what you think about this. we've got more to talk about here on the show. we are more on the breaking news alert and details on this massive manhunt for the california kidnappers, lead investigator on the case will join us next. and the surprising number of couple on the key to happiness is it sleeping separately. we're reading your e-mails nonjudgmentally. >> tucker is going to yell at you. ♪ ♪
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we have a major update to the amber alert we've been following. overnight authorities say they have identified a child's body that was found in the burned-down home in southern california. it is that of 8-year-old ethan anderson, the brother of the missing girl hannah anderson. that's the same home where their mother's body was found last sunday. police also confirmed a possible sighting of hannah and her kidnapper. they were sported together by a man riding horseback in the mountains outside of cascade, idaho. here with the latest is captain duncan frazier, from the san diego county sheriff's department. thank you for joining us this morning. so in the accounts we have received so far, based on the apparent sighting in the mountains in idaho, dimaggio and
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hannah were -- but the accounts say she was not necessarily being held against her will. what does that mean? i want we're piecing together the information we're seven. we are treating this as a rescue operation of her and apprehension of dimaggio. we have no idea what kind of duress she is under, but we consider her to be in grave danger in her circumstance. so we're still putting together the witness accounts. we're out there at the scene, too, with the army of people out there with the search effort. >> captain, this witness that thinking he spotted them in this remote mountain area, what makes that witness testimony credible to you? what did he tell you? witnesses provided some detail of some of the equipment we knew
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they had, plus as well as a good facial identification. >> can you give us some background on the relationship with hannah and her family? >> we understand it was a platonic relationship that went back many, many years with bret and christina anderson, and that he had known the children, ethan and hannah, as they grew up. so that was our understanding at the onset. we are working with information that we have received from witnesses that he had developed some sort of an unusual infatuate with her in the very recent history. so we're still looking at that. we're looking at a lot of different information that we are receiving. >> we also understand that we believe you have identified his car, it was found stripped of the license plates, covered in brush of some kind, have you
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been able to get inside the car and look for evidence? >> yes. we're in the car. we're vetting the evidence now. we have our investigators out there, our evidence techs, as well as evidence techs and investigators from the jurisdiction that's out there. >> there was some speculation that he may have booby-trapped the car with explosives. was that true? >> it turned out not to be the case, but because of our heightened awareness over the week of what we believed he was capable of doing and some of the evidence we found at the crime scene where the arson took place, we were definitely very concerned when that for officer saif and for the public's safety. so that's why that information was updated. >> so dimaggio has been described as a man with extensive camping experience. what else do we know about him? what does he do for a living? what's his background? >> the information that we have on him is that he did not have
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really a criminal background or record of any sort, other than back in the '90s there was two completely unrelate d misdemeanoring that had really nothing to do with this. as far as we know, he had a stable job for the last couple decades. our understanding is that he was involved in the i.t. industry, so he has that knowledge of i.t. >> captain duncan fraser, we wish you luck today on hopefully locating hannah. >> thank you. >> please keep us posted as your search progresses. >> thank you so much. thank you. he'll fix you up if you fix him up. the remarkable offer a madison doctor is making to find the proper date. the here are tips to prevent your accidents from a common hiding location, the laundry room.
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tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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well, welcome back. if you're planning to do any laundry this weekend, consider this -- your laundry room may be a danger zone, especially if you have children. here are the dos and don't, kimberly mitchell, really the baby-proofer to the stars.
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welcome back. >> thank you so much. >> doing laundry can be a hazard. i thought the iron would be the biggest offender, but there are a lot of other issues in the laundry room. >> true. we don't think about safety and laundry and put the two together. we ride a bike, we put on a helmet. we hop in the car and put on the seat belt. so we're going to start with first and foremost lock off the laundry room. >> you brought this gizmo called the door monkey. >> i know you want to bring this home. >> i know. i want to play with this. >> this is for interior doors. it keeps children out of a room. it's an off-limits room. so lock off the laundry room, use this gadget or any other gadget that keeps them out of the room. >> they think of it as a fun zone. this el can hide and play around. how do you lock them? >> you have children, so you do know they were creative outside
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the box thinkers. check this out. this is low to the ground, they can crawl right in. so to lock them there is this wonderful gadget, you remove this adhesive, and it disallows it. you can put it on both the washer and dryer. >> this is by safety first. >> so they'll all by on the website. detergent, we've heard stories recently about the laundry soap that look like hard candy, and keeping thoughs on low shelves, kids are ingesting them and they're being rushed to the hospital? >> millions of consumers are using what we call single-load laundry packets. i use them in my home. we use them, because they're easy, convenient, there's no spilling at the laundry station or at the lawn roe matt.
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what we found is there is a lack of familiarity with these single-load, so the purpose of being here, and my point of partnering with the american cleaning institute is to educate and cede awareness, so the consumers can safely use them and safely store them. i would direction consumers to the packages. the manufacturers have done a great job of pointing out different safety icons. can see on all these products here. >> i notice you have they have on the 14e68 very high. >> keep them out of the reach of children. they're not toys. they shouldn't be in the laundry room, shouldn't be playing with packets. as a child safety expert, i can't hit that point home enough. to keep all of these tips kind of clear in the viewers' minds, we've come up with an acrho anyone, it's k.e.y., keep the laundry packets out of the children.
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e -- educate your family and friends. talk about it. and u, you, me, retailers, manufacturers, consumers, we all serve a key role in laundry room safety. go to, to pledge to be the key to a safe laundry room. >> all of that information is on the website. great tips this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks. coming up here on the show. is the secret to a happy marriage sleeping in separate beds? we're reading your e-mails about that next. a viral vitt i don't that needs no explanation. watch this. >> what is this? >> well, what is it? >> oh, it's a bun. it's in the -- [ screaming ] >> we'll hear from the expectened parents and the very excited grandma, when we come back. lfway into your heart ♪ ♪ you have to let me know
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[ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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♪ sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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you've got two beds in here. >> that's me on the left. >> you sleep in separate beds? >> 30 years ago we came to an agreement. the only way i could get some rest. >> really? >> still have the -- >> you can get that in your arms? >> look you wouldn't believe. . >> everything he sell is funny. >> there's a new study out this morning that shows to have a healthy, happy relationship, you
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may want to consider sleeping in separate beds. what these researchers did is they looked at brain scans of individuals while they were sleeping together, and they found that the movement from the spouse continually kept them up throughout the night, never getting into r.e.m. sleep. >> this brought to you about i the same research firm that determined that smoking is actually healthy, radio i got? and watching television makes you smart? do they recommend not talking to your spouse to bring you closer? >> it's insane. >> it's the subtle movements. >> it's crazy. >> i understand, unless you have one of those really nice mattresses, then you're going to feel all the movements. >> they also found out that 40% of americans actually -- married, are actually sleeping in separate beds. sometimes the husband snores, and you can't get enough sleep. sometimes the wife hugs the
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covers. she has the jimmy arm, and it allows you to get into the deeper sleep. >> but it doesn't matter. i snore like an animal and the wife has put up with it for 20 years. that's how i know she's the wife. that's what makes her different. we sleep together. chris from rhode island says we've been sleeping separately for half our marriage, 20 years. it's the best thing we've done for our -- besides, date nights are more fun. >> i don't judge. actually, i do. >> i will say as someone who's slept with spaniels, there's nothing like a sleep with dogs in the bed. >> quote of the day. >> my husband and i have been
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sleeping apart, and we've been married for 41. a much better sleep. i couldn't take his snoring. i can't even stay in the same hotel room. >> wow, twhaz obviously sad. el. >> thank you for doing that. you've got to take a stand. >> here's what the future will look like. >> however, if we could get the climate issue agreement, that would be a miracle. mysteriously in the middle of the night, the heat gets turned up somehow. >> that's weird how that works. i believed we could solve divorce if we could figure out the climate issue. every couple has the issue of if it's too hot or too cold.
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>> we could invent climate-controlled pants. >> yes, finally. >> whoa. >> a genius idea. >> does anybody have a pen? >> wow, this is like a henry ford moment. just give up. >> we're going to figure this out. meanwhile, i guess we should do what we are actually good at -- the headlines. this is the create d. and then he posted a crime scene photo online, and a confession of the crime on facebook. >> you know, you don't want to speak to anybody at this point on about your case unless someone from the public defender's office is there to be with you. is that correct? >> yes, sir. >> that is derek medina, charged with the first-degree murder of his wife, 26-year-old jennifer aphono. court papers say he told police he shot her after she said he was leaving him. he reportedly went to see family before he turned himself in. the florida man wrote a series
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of self-published books and was a small-time actor. a proposal for you -- he'll fix you up if you fix him up. a manhattan doctor is offering free cosmetic service in exchange for a dream date. the problem is his high standards. dr. chen is looking for a hot woman who has attended an ivy league school -- well, i'm out -- is christian, has a type b personality, and she must love pets. so far he has had two set ups, but rejecting both for not measuring up. meanwhile, our favorite story of the today, a florida couple pulling off a priceless surprise as they reveal their pregnancy for the grandmother to be with a scavenger hunt. >> what is this? >> what is it? >> oh, it's a bun, where is it? it's in the -- [ screaming ] the bun in the oven!
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>> it never gets old. the soon to be grandma it would us earlier on the show why she was so shocked. >> lynn was so slim, she was in her exercise clothes. as soon as i saw her, i said, darn, she's not pregnant. >> i come from a very long lining of puns ters. >> i was waiting for the right opportunity. >> the couple's baby is due in december, and the grandma is delighted. >> i'm even more impressed, that shawn the husband ended up -- had put a camera in the often to get her reaction shot from the bun to her face. >> it looks like a jib shot. there's an aerial shot, a wide shot. >> even the helicopter shot. how did they pull that off? >> i don't know. >> amazing. we're outside with something tasty. >> the camera for this shot outside, it is national s'mores
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day, the chocolate and marshmallow snack a staple for over 80 years, there's no better time to indulge than today. we have chris scholls, the founder the young married it's a good morning. >> what better way to start a summer weekend, right? >> some of these you can just buy. >> some you can buy. sugar fina has they amazing candy bites. they're delicious. so if you want to grab something like that. this is we have my favorite things. treat house has they mini rice crispy treats, and then we pack them all together. >> makes sense. >> smackery s'mores cookies, a graham cracker base with a melted marshmallow. >> looks really good. >> you look like you want to
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dive in. >> can i? i want yes. on my website, i have some great recipes -- how is that? ridiculous, right? >> very good. >> you can do a very easy s'mores pie, graham cracker base, browny, melted marshmallow on type. >> beautiful. >> then we have the martini. >> so you can have a s'mores cocktail. >> absolutely. so you just mix cream or milk with the tequila, a bit of chocolate syrup. >> i crumble some graham crackers and marshmallows on top. i don't know if it's a morning cocktail, but -- >> it depends on when you get up. by now it's lunchtime. that tequila smells really good. >> it tastes like chocolate milk with tequila in it. >> perfect. then there's stuff to buy to help you make your s'mores. >> exactly. how often do you burn your
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marshmallow? actually it turns and has a flashlight on it, so you can see if your marshmallow is brown correctly. >> that you take camping. >> what else some. >> again, you can use a little candle with it. this is better if you're maybe in an apartment. >> or doing fondue night. >> and then all kinds of different chocolates. then sears has a great s'mores grilling rack. they really do make everything, right? >> i guess so. you can find all these thing on youngmarried just look for chris scholls. thank you very much. guys, it's s'mores time. who knew? >> we're waiting for you to bring a platter. >> certainly are. if you're asked rick to do it, there won't be any left.
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the federal government is regulating him out of business. he's here next with the details of the shocking regulations that govern his life. what's it life to live in a hospital for 45 years? not 45 days, not 45 weeks, 45 years. one guy did it. you'll hear his incredible story, next. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step.
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today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever . . test test. or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, lir disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing.
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take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help.
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our next guest has been fighting regulation nation by suing the federal government for the last 11 years. >> marshing horn is a raisin farmer. since 2002 he's been locked in a legal battle that's gone all the way to the supreme court. he contends a little known law that allows the government to seize a portion of his crop every year is unconstitutional. that law was created in 1930s, but horn says it's time for the law to go. >> joining us is the raisin
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farmer in question, martian horn, thanks a lot for coming on. as far as i can tell, the u.s. government is permitted to seize up to 47% of your raisin crop. is that accurate? if so, why? >> yes, they can seen, but actually it could be more than that if they do desire. it's a formula that they use for taking raisins away from farmers and not paying them for it. >> the reason they are taking raisens away from farmers like yourself is it stretches back to the new deal. during the new deal era, it was a law designed to prevent a raisin glut, but for some reason they've kept this all in effect, and in 2002, you decided you weren't going to stand for it anymore. why? >> after years of protesting with local farmers, trying to make change, at one time there
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were 1500 of us, we signed a petition, went to the secretary of agriculture, but nothing was done form the year in question, the raisen administrative committee decided to withhold 37%, and i said no more, i'm not going to give you my raisins, and i didn't. i kept them and sold them myself. >> good for you. what was the government's reaction when you refused to turn over your raisins? >> well, naturally they took the course they have to. they levied as assessment for my raisins. they wanted me to pay for them. >> that's crazy. >> it's amazing that this has been going on, they are fossing you to pay for yare own raisins.
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what are you going to do about this? >> we've got before the supreme court on the taking issue, and they kind of agree. they remanded it back to the ninth, for them to address the taking issue under our constitution, and i'm hopeful that we'll get a favorable ruling from the ninth that this is a taking, because you can't take our farm product that we pay all the money for to raise and not give us anything for it. >> it's per verse, and i think most of our viewers are surprised that they live in a country where that's legal. hopely not for long. >> i'm surprised there's an raisin committee. >> i'm not. let es know what you think. you can find us both on twitter. what's it like to live in a hospital for 45 years? not 45 days, at the 45 weeks, but 45 years. one man did it.
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you'll hear his incredible story next. >> kathleen sebelius says insurance rates won't go up under obama care. a new poll shows americans don't believe it for a second. here to tess us wise dr. frank. ok, i am coming. [ susan ] i hate that the reason we're always stopping is because i have to go to the bathroom. and when we're sitting in traffic, i worry i'll have an accident. be right back. so today, i'm finally going to talk to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or cannot empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away
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if your fac lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and dreased sweating. do not drive, operate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you know how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. [ susan ] today, i'm visiting my son without visiting every single bathroom. [ female announcer ] today, talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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quick headlines for you. jay leno will host his final "tonight show" on february 6th. he'll be replaced at that point by jimmy fallon set to take over on february 24th. leno might not be going away for good, however. nbc reportedly talking about plans for after his 22-year run comes to an end. a brazilian man lived in a
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hospital for 45 years is making a television show about his life. he was born with polio and suffers still from infantile paralysis. he wasn't expected to live for more than a decade, but he has living on and off an artificial respirator. he doesn't just lay around, however, his passion is computer animation. he raised money online to create the 3d animated film series. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius is criticizing predictions that insurance rates will rise under obama care. calling them, quote, factually incorrect. but new numbers show americans aren't buying what she's selling. a recent poll showing a whopping 61% think the health care system will get worse once the plan is implemented. that's up 13 points since february. here to explain is pollster
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frank. it's a lot. >> and only 24% think it's going to get better. and people come up to me and say why are we getting this health care and we don't want it? the answer is november of 2012. if the american people didn't want obama care, they would have voted him out of office. they failed to do so. and now we're going to have it. but when only 24% think their health care's going to improve and you've got a remarkable percentage that think their costs are going to go up and the quality's going to go down, that's why they're frustrated. >> since you're a messaging master and also you understand these polls so well, is the message completely wrong from the obama administration? selling, i mean, they have to go out there and selling. they're trying to do it correctly. was the message wrong? and was the fundamental polling correct? is there a disjointed message somewhere along the line here? >> that's fair. actually, it's they try to do something that the american people didn't want done. i make no mistake, the public believes that the health care system was broken. but they didn't want this
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massive overhaul. they wanted the things they had issues with which was specifically costs. they wanted that fix but they didn't want to lose control. they wanted to be able to pick their doctor. we know now while they may be able to pick their doctor, their doctor may not pick them. they want to be able to pick their health care plan. they want to pick their prescription drug plans and that's the challenge this administration has. what it is offering the american people, the american people don't want. and i'll tell you one other thing, this is a warning for the future. they're claiming that the health care companies are not going to raise rates. when the health care companies are telling it very specifically they are. 15%, 20%, 25%, come next year, watch what's going to happen. i think the obama administration will blame the health care companies for gouging the american people. >> do you approve of the 2010 affordable care act signed into law. these numbers are also problem
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mats atic for the president. >> you still don't have a majority of americans that don't support the legislation. when they passed medicare, medicaid, civil rights laws, all the major legislation of the last 50 years, within a year of passage, a clear majority supported it. this is the only major piece of legislation that is still divided on partisan lines and the americans still have not embraced it. >> frank luntz, his books are "words that work" and what's the latest one? >> "win." >> he's a simple titled guy. great to see you. more "fox & friends" in three minutes. ♪
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tomorrow on the show, i'm going to show you waterproof gadgets for the beach. plus frank luntz letting us know about our sleep issue. he said the new sleep number bed has a cooling climate control. couples can sleep ten degrees cooler on each side. >> he also says he never gets more than three hours a night. what does he know about sleep?


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